Lamu County

Lamu county is county number 005 in the Kenya county numbering codes. It is located in the Northern Coast of Kenya and is one of the Six Coastal Counties in Kenya. It borders Tana River County in the southwest, Garissa County to the north, Republic of Somalia to the northeast and the Indian Ocean to the South. It has a population of 143,920 of which76,103 are males 67,813 females and 4 intersex persons. There are 37,963 household with an average household size of 3.7 persons per household and a population density 23 people per square kilometre. The county is divided into constituencies namely:

  • Lamu West
  • Lamu East

The county was first governed by governed by Governor Issa Abdallah Issa Timamy who was lost his sit to Governor Fahim Yasin Twaha. The development of Lamu county has been possible due to the leadership of the two governors under the different departments in the county.

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