Nakuru County

Nakuru County is county number 032 in the Kenya county codes. It is located in the Rift Valley region of the country and borders Baringo to the north, Laikipia to the north east, Nyandarua to the east, Kajiado to the south, Narok to the south west with Bomet and Kericho to the west covering an area of 7,496.5Km². It is has population of 2,162,202people according to 2019 census. It is divided into eleven sub counties namely:

  1. Naivasha Constituency
  2. Nakuru Town West Constituency
  3. Nakuru Town East Constituency
  4. Kuresoi South Constituency
  5. Kuresoi North Constituency
  6. Molo Constituency
  7. Rongai Constituency
  8. Subukia Constituency
  9. Njoro Constituency
  10. Gilgil Constituency
  11. Bahati Constituency

The county was first governed by Governor Kinuthia Mbugua and the second term by Governor Lee Kinyanjui. Under the leadership of the two governors, the county has gone through the following.

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