Taita Taveta County

Taita Taveta county is county number 006 in the Kenya county numbering codes. It lies approximately 140 km northwest of Mombasa and 380 km southeast of Nairobi and is a port and major gateway to the United Republic of Tanzania through Taveta town. The county, whose headquarters are situated in Mwatate sub-county, is one of the six counties in the Jumuiya ya Kaunti za Pwani(JKP) regional economic bloc. The main economic activity in the county is mining and agriculture. The population of the county was 340,671 persons according to the 2019 national census. Governor John Mtuta Mruttu was the first governor of Taita Taveta elected in 2013 and thereby overthrown by the current governor Granton Graham Samboja. The county is divided into four constituencies namely:

  1. Taveta constituency
  2. Wundanyi constituency
  3. Mwatate constituency
  4. Voi constituency

Through the two electioneering periods, with the two different Governors, the county has achieved a lot and developed the county through the departments.

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