Co-operative Identity

The ICA defines a co-operative as “an autonomous association of persons united voluntarily to meet their common economic, social, and cultural needs and aspirations through a jointly owned and democratically-controlled enterprise”.

Co-operative identity includes the co-operative principles and values. Co-operative policy and legal framework are guided by these values and principles, including most significantly, protecting and fostering the autonomy of co-operatives. As part of the international co-operative movement, all co-operatives in Kenya conduct their business in accordance with internationally shared co-operative values and principles.

Core Functions

  • Arising from the constitutional mandate of the National Government to spearhead policy formulation, ensuring standardization and uniformity, the national government and its agencies shall be responsible for:
  • Formulation, adoption and implementation of policy and legal framework for the development and growth of all co-operatives in keeping with the overall national development policies and priorities
  • Registration and liquidation of co-operative enterprises
  • Establishment of uniform standards of the operations of co-operative enterprises, recognition of county co-operative enterprises, cross-county co-operatives enterprises
  • Develop and maintain inter-governmental relations framework on co-operative enterprises
  • Carry out inquiries, inspections and investigations into the affairs of co-operatives
  • Provide oversight to apex, federations, secondary, and cross-county co-operative enterprises
  • Regulate co-operative audit services including social and value for money audits
  • Promote good governance and ethics on co-operative enterprises
  • Formulate co-operative education, training, standards and regulations
  • Carry out capacity building to the county Governments
  • Promote public private partnership and joint ventures
  • Promote and facilitate regional and international co-operative relations
  • Establish and maintain a data and information center for co-operatives
  • Promote research and development in Co-operatives
  • Review and enforce registration requirements from time to time
  • Promote harmonization and /or linkages between the movement, the National Government and County Governments through periodic forums
Last Update: November 9, 2021
November 9, 2021 172 adminCo-operatives
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