Blue Economy

Kenya’s national commitment towards blue economy has been demonstrated through the creation of the State Department for Fisheries and the Blue Economy (SDF-BE) within the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries in Kenya via executive order No. 1/2016. In addition to fisheries functions, the executive order has expanded the State Departments mandate to include coordination of blue economy initiatives in order to harness the untapped potential of our ocean and coasts for food security, job creation and economic growth.
In defining the blue economy, Kenya has identified the following key sectors fisheries and aquaculture, maritime transport and logistics services, culture and tourism; and extractives (oil and gas, minerals and energy) as key to delivering quick and sustainable results for food security and employment creation.

Kenya is therefore committed to ensuring that the following key objectives are realized by 2022:

  • Improve management of both offshore and inshore fisheries
  • To provide a framework for supporting development of smallholder aquaculture and priority fisheries value chains for small scale artisanal fishers for nutrition and food security, environmentally sound development and resilience building to climate change;
  • Increase Monitoring, Control and Surveillance (MCS) in the Kenya’s Exclusive zone to prevent Illegal, Unregulated and Unreported (IUU) fishing and increase security in our waters by:
    Strengthen our Monitoring Control and Surveillance and law enforcement capacity within our EEZ through acquisition of a patrol Vessel;
  • Operationalize the Monitoring, Control and Surveillance (MCS) Command Centre and train personnel in application on VMS and Vessel Automatic Identification System (AIS) to detect compliant and non-compliant fishing vessels in our waters;
  • Enforce the Port State Measures Agreement (PSMA) of 2009 to strengthen the global effort to eliminate IUU activities (Kenya ratified PSMA on 10th May 2017) by redefining landing sites, creating fish ports and other related infrastructure;
  • Train officers in on-board program, Port State Measures procedures and sea surveillance;
    Implementation of the new obligations under the Fisheries Management and Development Act 2016;
  • Strengthen our Institutional capacity for fisheries protection through establishment of the Kenya Fisheries Service
  • Establish a national ocean and Fisheries council to co-ordinate and harmonize the whole government approach to ocean governance in Kenya
  • Develop Blue Economy Policy and Strategy Coordination and enhance Kenya’s benefit from the blue economy;

More Information

Last Update: November 10, 2021
November 9, 2021 530 adminFisheries
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