
Kenya is endowed with a rich diversity of livestock species and breeds which are of great economic, social and cultural importance. These include cattle, sheep, goats, camels, donkeys, poultry, rabbits, pigs and bees which are either indigenous or exotic. Kenya’s animals resources based is estimated at 20,529,191 cattle, 26,745,916 goats, 18,983,760 sheep, 3,222,593 camels, 44,624,453 domestic birds, and 1,965,632 donkeys, (MOALFI, 2018 NSAP On management of ANGR). They are exploited in diverse climatic conditions namely; Hyper Arid, Arid, Semi-Arid, Sub-Humid, Humid, and Afro-Alpine environments, and production systems that range from low input extensive to high input intensive systems. Whereas the indigenous livestock breeds are adapted to a variety of production environments under low input production systems, the exotics have been developed for increased production per unit under high input production systems.


  • Livestock policy management
  • Development of livestock industry
  • Veterinary services and disease control
  • Range development and management
  • Livestock marketing
  • Promotion of dairy industry
  • Livestock insurance policy
  • Livestock branding
  • Promotion of bee keeping
  • Promotion of tannery industry
Last Update: November 9, 2021
November 9, 2021 243 adminLivestock
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