Education and Technical Training
The Department of Education and Technical Training is committed to enhancing access, equity and provision of high quality education to pre-school children and youths in vocational training centres. The department comprises education which is mainly the pre-primary education targeting children aged four to five (4-5) and vocational training for skills development in various occupational trades amongst the youth.
There are 615 pre-primary centres in the county, 470 public and 145 private centres. Enrollment in public pre-primary centres was at 30,657 learners of which 45.4% are boys while girls are 54.6%. The Gross Enrolment Rate (GER) increased marginally from 70.4% in 2013 to 74.6% in 2018 though slightly below the national average of 76%. This increase in GER is attributed to employment of more Pre- School Education teachers and improvement of infrastructure by the county government. However, this rate is still below the national average due to lack of robust nutritional support in some regions and child-conducive learning infrastructure. In 2018, transition rate from pre-primary to grade one was at 80%. The pupil-teacher ratio (PTR) stood at 44:1 compared to the national average of 29:1 while pupil classroom-ratio (PCR) was 94:1 in 2018, compared to the recommended 25:1. The transition rate from pre-primary to grade 1 was 80% in 2018 though the target was 100%.
Formal TVET programme in the county is institution-based and are offered both at public Vocational Training Centres (VTCs) and Technical Training Institutes (TTIs). Informal skill development, mainly on-job training (apprenticeship) also takes place in the informal Jua-kali sector (Small and Medium Enterprises).
Currently, there are fourteen operational VTCs with a total enrolment of 1,757 students compared to 925 total students enrolled in 2013 representing 34.9% increase in overall enrolment. Of the current enrolment 58.4% are male, and 41.6% are female. This increase in enrolment is mainly attributable to the introduction of VTCs rebranding strategies and capitation grant. The trainee instructor ratio for the VTCs in the county stands at 24:1. However, the GER of 12.7% in TVET within the county is still below the national MTP II projection of 20 percent. The VTCs offers training on a range of occupational trades including building technology, electrical/electronics, carpentry and joinery, food processing technology, clothing technology, hairdressing and beauty therapy, agri-business, plumbing and pipe fitting technology, motor vehicle technology and metal processing technology.
Three technical training institute (T Is) have been established in each of the three sub-counties of Keiyo South, Keiyo North and Marakwet West. The TTIs admitted their first cohort of sttdents in the year 2018.
The department has a mandate to
- Implementation of ECDE and vocational training policies.
- Administration and management of early childhood programmes.
- Administration and management of vocational training programmes.
- Coordinate implementation of ECDE and vocational training curricula.
- Provide curriculum support materials to both ECDE centres and vocational training centres (VTCs).
- Develop infrastructure in ECDE centres and VTCs.
- Maintain quality standards in ECDE and vocational training institutions.
- Disburse county bursaries to various institutions as per the approved beneficiary lists.
- Disburse support grants to registered public VTC institutions.
Public Service Management, and Administration
The department has a vision to be a leading dynamic and informative administrative system for efficient and effective public service, and a mission to enhance coordination and supervision for effective and efficient public service delivery to citizens.
It has the following mandate
- Provide Leadership in Governance
- Coordination and Support for General Administration of entire county services
- Coordination of public participation and civic education in efforts to ensure open governance and inclusivity of all
- Align Human Resources support systems and functions to achieve efficiency and effectiveness in Service Delivery.
- Control of alcoholic drinks, drugs and pornography.
- IPPD management
Sports, Youth Affairs, ICT & Social Services
The Department comprises of Sports development (Infrastructure & Talent development), Social empowerment, social protection and ICT.
It has a vision to be a socially cohesive, equitable and technologically empowered, community rich in sports, and a mission to formulate mainstream and implement policies, that empowers the vulnerable and marginalized groups, promotes sports talents and provides efficient, affordable, reliable and secure ICT services.
Mandates for directorate of Sports
- Formulates, implements, coordinates, reviews and monitors youth and Sport development policies and initiatives
- Evaluates and monitors the County Government on all aspects of sports
- Sports talent development
- Sports facility development and management
- Mobilizes and facilitates Elgeyo Marakwet county citizens to participate in sport
- Provides sports equipment, facilities and technical training
Mandates for directorate of Youth affairs
- Develops youth empowerment centres
- Facilitates leadership/mentorship, entrepreneurship and life skills in training
- Facilitates Youth Access to Government Procurement Opportunities (YAGPO)
- Facilitates youth skill training
- Implements youth economic empowerment programs
- Sensitizes on social issues, drug and substance abuse, HIV/AIDS, environmental conservation
Mandates for directorate of Gender and Socials Services
- Formulates and reviews policies and guidelines for gender mainstreaming
- Advises and gives technical support on gender and social development issues
- Sensitizes and builds capacity for women and vulnerable groups
- Facilitates equal opportunities for special needs groups in education, employment, decision-making, representation and business
- Designs and implements children participation programmes
- Builds capacity on child rights, welfare, advisory and referral of individuals and groups to relevant service providers
- Guides community development and supervises programs and institutions for children’s care and development
- Facilitates access to Government Procurement Opportunities (PWDs and Women)
- Ensures gender equity and equality in development
Mandates for directorate ICT
- Develop, review and implement ICT strategies and policies
- Ensure adherences to ICT standards
- Development, review and advice on Software and Hardware specifications
- Maintenance of County ICT Platforms and equipment
Tourism, Culture, Wildlife, Trade & Industry
This sub-sector comprises of five units: Tourism, Culture, Trade, Wildlife and Industry.
The department has a vision to be a globally competitive and innovative tourism, trade and industrial sector for socio-economic development and a mission to provide an enabling environment that facilitates trade investments, tourism enhancement, industrial development and cultural preservation for socio-economic growth.
- Co-ordination of the implementation of tourism policies, strategies, programmes and projects
- Promotion of domestic tourism in the county
- Management and administration of trade and business development services.
- Monitor and evaluate of trade development projects and programmes. g) Development of micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) engaged in trade
- Coordinate promotion of industrial development in the County analyzing trade, Industry, Weights & Measures, Betting and control
- Mobilizes and manages human, financial and other resources for cultural development
- Promotes and develops creative cultural industries, such as performing, visual and literary arts as an economic sector
- Promotes, preserves and develops Kenya’s indigenous knowledge systems and safeguards the Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH) for posterity
Finance, and Economic Planning
The department focus on coordination of fiscal responsibility as provided for in PFM Act 2012, policy formulation and economic development in line with the country’s’ development blue print Vision 2030. It comprises of the following sections/directorates; Economic Planning and Budgeting, Monitoring and Evaluation, Accounting Services, Supply Chain Management and Revenue.
The department has a vision to be a leading sector in public finance management, economic policy formulation and coordination of development and a mission to provide overall leadership and policy direction in resource mobilization, management and accountability for quality public service delivery.
It has the following mandate
- Strengthen planning, budgeting processes, and enhance policy formulation for effective monitoring and implementation of public resources.
- Advise the county government on public financial accounting, management, fiscal discipline and ensure compliance through implementation of approved accounting standards, policies and concepts.
- Mobilize resources, develop and implement plans to broaden revenue base and efficient revenue collection.
- Coordinate supply chain services through provision of administrative guidelines on implementation and interpretation of public procurement acts.
Agriculture and Irrigation
The department comprises of two units: Agriculture and Irrigation.
It has a vision to be the leading agent towards the achievement of food security, employment creation, income generation and poverty reduction in Elgeyo Marakwet County and a mission to improve the livelihoods of the people of Elgeyo Marakwet County by creating enabling environment, provision of support services and ensuring sustainable natural resource management.
Elgeyo Marakwet County, potato is the second most important food crop after maize. Potato is one of the leading enterprise supporting food and nutrition security, employment creation and income generation in the county. Elgeyo Marakwet is one of the leading counties in production of ware potato (2015 Agriculture Economic Review Report). The crop is grown in 14 of the 20 wards in the four sub counties. Approximately 23,000 hectares are cultivated annually with a production range of 250,000 – 340,000 tonnes. The crop is mostly grown by small scale farmers with an average land holding of one hectare mostly for commercial. The average yield is about 15 tonnes per hectare which is much below the optimum yield of 40 tonnes per hectare and this is attributed to lack of good quality seed.
The department has the following mandate
- Promoting management and conservation of natural resource base for agriculture.
- Promotion of irrigated agriculture
- Crop and Agribusiness Development
- Promote Agricultural Research and Extension services
- Promotion of Agri-nutrition
- Formulation of agricultural legislations, regulations and policies at the county.
- Management and control of pests and diseases in crops.
Livestock Development, Cooperatives & Fisheries
The sub-sector consists of Livestock production, Fisheries, Veterinary Services and Cooperatives Development units.
The department has a vision to be an innovative, commercially oriented sub-sector and a mission to improve livelihood of county citizens through promotion of competitive and sustainable Livestock, Fisheries, Veterinary and Cooperative Development.
- Animal husbandry
- Animal diseases and pest control
- Veterinary services
- Animal control and welfare services
- Livestock production services
- Sustainable land management in agro pastoral areas
- Cooperative’s development
- Formulates policies and regulations for the sub-sector
Roads, Public Works & Transport
The infrastructure sector is charged with the responsibility of developing infrastructure including road works, bridges, footbridges, public works and street lighting. The sector is comprised of the following three directorates/sections; Public works, Energy, Roads & Transport sections.
The department has a vision to be an excellent provider of reliable, sustainable, cost-effective infrastructure and clean energy and a mission to provide efficient and reliable infrastructure, and clean energy through construction, modernization, rehabilitation and effective management for sustainable socio-economic development.
Mandates for the directorate of Public Works
- Design of public, residential buildings and foot bridges
- Drawing and interpretation of designs of buildings and structures
- Supervision of on-going construction works such as buildings
- Provision of disaster management response in the event of fire outbreaks, collapsed structures
- Construction and maintenance of public buildings
- Storm water management systems in built up areas
- Safety regulation of public buildings
- Policy formulation
Mandates for the directorate of Roads & Transport
- Design of roads, bridges and culverts
- Supervision of on-going construction works such as roads
- Provision of disaster management response in the event of landslides
- Construction and maintenance of roads
- Safety regulation of roads
Lands, Water, Environment & Natural Resources
The department deals with water supplies, solid and liquid waste management, physical planning, environment and climate change adaptation. The county government, in partnership with development partners, will continue to emphasize on primary access to clean water, safe disposal of waste, protection of the environment and better management of water utilities.
It has a vison have a sustainable access to clean, safe and adequate water in a well-planned and secure environment, and a mission to plan, promote, conserve and protect the county natural resources for sustainability of quality life.
Mandates for directorate of Water and Sanitation services
- To increase water access by planning and implementing of water infrastructures.
- Provision of water management and sanitation services in urban and rural areas.
- Enforcement of water quality standards and control of Water pollution.
- Implementation of County water policies through Water Resource Users Association (WRUA).
- Capacity building on water related trends and issues.
- Coordination of water sector stakeholders.
- Resource mobilization for water infrastructure development
Mandates for directorate of Lands, Environment and Climate change
- Provision of County forestry and farm forestry extension services
- Implementation of Solid waste management and control
- Ensures environmental protection, conservation and nuisance control.
- Climate Change Management and adaptation measures.
- To achieve orderly coordinated efficient and environmentally sound land uses and development in both urban and rural areas.
- To ensure mainstreaming climate change in development and implementation of county projects.
Health Services, and Sanitation
The Department comprises of namely: preventive and promotive health services; and curative and rehabilitative health services. The overall goal is the improved health status of all county residents.
The department has a vision to be a health care system that is accessible, equitable and affordable for every county resident, and a mission to promote and participate in the provision of integrated and high quality promotive, preventive, curative and rehabilitative health care services to all.
Elgeyo Marakwet County has two district hospitals, six sub-district hospitals, one mission hospital, 16 health centers, 79 dispensaries, 10 private clinics, and 12 community units in the county. These provide varied levels of service with health centres and dispensaries providing most of the primary health care services. Iten district hospital, the biggest facility in the county, is ill-equipped to provide most referral and specialized services, and these are referred to high volume facilities like MTRH in Eldoret. The existing facilities are not able to sufficiently handle the growing populace and the county government’s plan to support the health sector should consider creation of new health facilities across the country and elevation of existing ones to such standards that will allow them provide required services. This will reduce the distances travelled by the populace in search of healthcare due to local inadequacies; the current average distance to a health facility is 8 km.
Health investments
Provision of quality healthcare is a resource-intensive endeavor. Its success and effectiveness is dependent on the investments in the pillars of health system i.e. qualified health workforce, good infrastructure, health products, healthcare financing, health information, service delivery, and governance and leadership. This section covers these critical health system inputs analyzing their current state with reference to known requirements and identifying the
critical gaps.
- Establish and manage County health facilities
- Rehabilitation and maintenance of County health facilities
- Establish County health pharmacies
- Offer Ambulance services including emergency response and patient referral system;
- Promotion of primary health care
- Licensing and control of undertakings that sell food to the public including food safety and control;
- Establish and maintain cemeteries, funeral parlours and crematoria.
County Public Service Board
The county public service board is mandated to and responsible for the human resource management of the county public service. The board has a secretariat responsible for execution of its decisions. We are delighted to provide service to the county.
The department has a vision to be an excellent County Public service that provides effective services and promotes the people to champion service delivery, and a mission to align human resource, support systems and functions to achieve efficiency and effectiveness in service delivery.
Powers of the County Public Service Board includes
- Inform and educate county public officers and the public about the values and principles;
- Recommend to the county government effective measures to promote the values and principles;
- Assist county governments in the formulation and implementation of programs intended to inculcate in public officers the duty to uphold the values and principles;
- Advice the county government on their obligation under international treaties and conventions on good governance in the county public service;
- Visit any county public office or body to a view to assessing and inspecting the status of compliance with the values and principles;
- Investigate, on its own initiative or upon a complaint made by any person, the violation of any values and principles;
- Recommend to any relevant lawful authority, any necessary action in view of the violation of the values and principles by any person or public body;
- Cooperate with other institutions working in the field of good governance in the public service;
- Perform any other function as the board may considers necessary for the promotion of the values and principles.
The functions of the County Public Service Board shall be, on behalf of the County Government, to—
- Establish and abolish offices in the county public service;
- Appoint persons to hold or act in offices of the county public service including confirming appointments.
- Exercise disciplinary control over staff in the county public service
- Prepare regular reports for submission to the county assembly on the execution of its functions .
- Promote ethical standards in the operation of the county public service
- Develop a coherent, integrated HR planning and budgeting for personnel emoluments in the county.
- Advice on implementation and monitoring performance management system.
- Make recommendations to SRC
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