Agriculture, Livestock Veterinary Services & Fisheries
The Agriculture Sector comprises of three sub-sectors namely: Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries; the key sub-sectors are considered key drivers for county’s economic growth and critical for attainment of the 10 percent economic growth rate envisaged under the Kenya Vision 2030. It directly contributes to the county’s economy through enhancing food security, income generation, employment and wealth creation. It further contributes indirectly to economic growth through forward and backward linkages with other sectors.
Main crops produced
The main food crops produced are maize, beans, irish potatoes, tomatoes, capsicum, water melon, cow peas, vegetables and bananas. Kajiado South Sub County is the main producer of maize for both subsistence and commercial purposes. In Kajiado south sub county, the area under maize production is 25,950 Hac annually,while the area under beans is 40,650 Hac annually. Tomato farming is also common in the county with 1,510 Ha across the county and Kajiado South leading with 940 Ha under cultivation. The county is in the process of completing a tomato processing factory in Namelok in Kajiado South with an aim of tomato chain and value
Main livestock breeds and facilities
The county major cattle breeds are sahiwal, zebu, borans and exotic. Kajiado demonstration farm provides sahiwal breeding bulls to the pastoralists. The main sheep breeds are red maasai and dorper. Goat breeds are galla, small east african and german alpine. Average annual milk production per year is 912,721 litres, beef production is 6639 tonnes, mutton production is 642, 750 kgs, chevon production is 536,505, poultry production is 345,600 and egg production is 1,440,000 trays.
There are 10 No. grazing communal ranches mostly in South and West Kajiado for grazing livestock mostly for beef production. The land tenure system in the county has greatly changed, from 56 group ranches across the county to only 10 grouped are private ownership.
The county practices both capture and culture types of fish farming. Main fish species are tilapia Nilotica and cat fish with an annual production of 16,000 and 14,000 metric tonnes respectively. The capture fish farming is practised in the rivers, wetlands ecosystems, and in water reservoirs. There are 85 No. fish ponds occupying an area of 36,000 m2 across the county with Kajiado South leading with 45 No. ponds.
Finance, Public Planning and ICT
The County Treasury is a service department to other departments within the County Government. The overall mandate of the County Treasury is to coordinate all matters relating to public finance management, economic and fiscal management. To effectively execute this mandate, the County Treasury has five (5) key departments; Revenue, Budget Accounting and Expenditure, Supply Chain Management, Budget and Economic Planning and Internal Audit.
Department revenue report
The department coordinates local revenue collection and ensure accounting for the same.
Local revenue
The aggregate annual local revenue target for the county in FY 2016/2017 was Ksh. 900 million.
During the end of the period, the county government generated a total of Ksh. 557 million, which was 62% of the annual target. This was a decrease compared to Ksh 650 million collected in 2015/16 FY registering 14% decrease.
The county government budgeted annual local revenue for the FY 2017/2018 was Ksh. 900 million. As at 22 nd of May 2018, the county government has collected a total of Ksh 602.4 million, which is 67% of the annual target. This was a 10.4% Increase compared to Ksh 518.7 million collected in the same period the last financial year (2016/2017).
Health Services and Public Health
- Eliminate communicable conditions in the county until they are not a major public health concern.
- Halt and reverse rising burden on non-communicable conditions by providing preventive and management programs.
- Reduce burden of violence and injuries by reducing morbidity and mortalities arising from violence and injuries.
- Provide essential health services by ensuring services are affordable, equitable, accessible and responsive to the residents of Kajiado County.
- Minimize exposure to health risk factors by strengthening health promotion in the county.
Health Access
There are four (4) sub county hospitals; Kajiado, Loitokitok, Ngong and Kitengela; sixteen (17)health centres and seventy-eight (78) dispensaries run by the county government. There are also six (6) hospitals, thirteen (13) nursing homes, seven (7) health centres, twenty-seven (27)dispensaries and one hundred and one (101) clinics which are either run by private, faith based, community based and other non-government organizations. The county has 92 community health units initiated out of which only 78 are active. The doctor population ratio is 1:26,094, Public Health Staff is 1: 7,619, and the nurse population ratio is 1: 1,068. The average distance to a
health facility is 14.3 km with only 9.9 percent of the population within a distance of less than a Kilometre to a health facility.
The top five most common causes of morbidity in order of prevalence are: Disease ofRespiratory System (45.1 percent), Diarrhoea (9.1 percent), Skin Disease (8.1 percent), Pneumonia (6.5 percent), and Urinary Tract Infection (5.0 percent).
Immunization coverage
The proportion of children under one year who are fully immunized in the county stand at 84 percent based on the hospital-based reports which is slightly below the national Fully Immunized Children (FIC) target of 90 percent. The rural areas register very low proportions of FIC while the urban areas register better proportions.
Lands and Physical Planning and Urban Development
The department has the following objectives
- Planning of towns and markets;
To guide development and achieve orderly developments
- Mapping and survey of townships:
To determine the limits of urban areas and minimize on encroachment on agricultural land
- Adjudication of group ranches:
To provide security of land tenure
- Environmental protection:
To inhibit degeneration and depletion of critical resources and make settlements habitable
Land and Land Use
Land is considered an important factor of production and development. The county is endowed with vast land and diverse land resources within the arid and semi-arid zones of Kenya. It must therefore be put to best and sustainable use. The county. The predominant activity on the land is livestock farming where majority of the local residents in rural areas (particularly the Maasai) practice pastoralism. There are however areas where small and medium scale crop farming is practiced in high potential areas such as Ngong, Loitokitok, and Nkuruman. Flower farming is mainly practiced in large scale within Isinya and Kitengela areas. Horticultural farming is also picking targeting both the local and international markets.
Public Service, Administration and Citizen Participation
Citizen participation is among the priorities of my Governments pillars of development. The county government is putting in place citizen participation policies, systems and guidelines and put budgets in place so that citizens can effectively participate in the determination of priority development programs that positively affect them. Effective Citizen Participation structures at the village, ward, sub-county and county levels have also been put in place for effective citizen participation.
Citizens are involved in analyzing development problems, prioritizing development programs, budgeting, implementation and evaluation of implemented projects to foster transparency, accountability and learning and promote sustainability. So far we have held various public participation forums for budget, county integrated development plan( CIDP) county dialogue forums on devolution experience, we have also held general public forums( one on one with wanainchi) in ngong Kajiado west and Kajiado central.
The department has the following mandate
- Identifying cadre-specific skills, knowledge and gaps and determine number of staff that
require training to perform their tasks;
· Establish the current and desired skills in leadership and management;
· Determine priority trainings for all staff;
· Establish number of staff at the County who require short course trainings in the priority
Roads, Public Works, Housing and Energy
The department of Roads, Public Works, Transport, Transport, Housing & Energy is divided into two sectors/ Units which are:
- Roads and Transport
- Public Works, Energy & Housing.
The department of Roads, Transport & Energy ensures that there is efficient, affordable and reliable infrastructure for sustainable, economic growth and development through construction, modernisation, rehabilitation and effective management of all infrastructural facilities in Kajiado County.
The department of public works and housing is committed to providing technical services in construction and maintenance of buildings to the departments and other public bodies.
Strategic objectives:
- To continually provide, manage and improve County roads and infrastructure.
- To ensure effective management of the County transport systems.
- To improve accessibility of affordable and reliable energy to Kajiado County residents.
- To ensure well managed and maintained buildings and infrastructure in Kajiado County.
- To support the development of affordable housing of acceptable quality in Kajiado County.
- To mainstream citizen fire safety through fire drills and public sensitization and its risk management in Kajiado County.
- Ensuring that roads within the County are graded, gravelled and drainage structures are constructed to make them all weather.
- Maintain and improve class D, E and unclassified roads within the County.
- Maintain graders and heavy machines in possession of the County Government.
- Use the graders in the department to open up feeder roads in the County.
- Reclamation of gullied road sections by doing edge protection works though installation of gabion boxes
- Undertake designs for road works
- Kajiado covers approximately 21,292.7 km2 with a population of about 687,312 people.
- The County government, through the departments of roads, public works, transport & energy has devoted substantial resources for infrastructure development in the entire County.
- Construction of roads (output) enhances accessibility, security and improved businesses.
The core mandate of this department is the construction and maintenance of County roads using:
- During the FY 2016/2017 to FY 2017 the department was able to achieve the grading of 974.46 km of road, 6,714m of culverts to improve road drainage system.
- The six no. bridges that have been completed in FY 2016/17 are Mpete Bridge, Kurende Bridge, Timman Bridge, olorika Bridge and Ilbissil bridge which was rehabilitated. During the FY 2017/18 the county is doing Kasoko, Kareo and olgumi Bridges, which are all on going.
- The county is also constructing a 0.8Km of tarmac road in Ongata Rongai town.
Energy access
The County is one of the frontier counties in the development green energy. Ngong Hills wind power station is connected to the national power grid with a capacity of 25.5 MW. Kipeto 1&2 wind power project, Magadi solar project and Mt. Suswa geothermal project are also underway. The major sources of lighting energy are electricity, solar, lantern and tin lamp. The Analytical Report on Housing Conditions, Amenities and Household Assets 2012 indicates that the percentage distribution of households using electricity is 39.8, tin lamp 39.8 and lantern 18.9
percent. The major sources of cooking energy are Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG), paraffin, firewood and charcoal. The percentage distribution of households using the smoky cooking fuels (paraffin, firewood and charcoal) in rural areas is 94.6 and 74.5 percent in urban areas. Firewood is the most used cooking fuel in rural areas with 75.3 percent of households while charcoal is mostly used in urban areas with 35.6 percent households. LPG is mostly used for cooking in urban areas followed by electricity with 21.4 and 2.0 percent respectively
- Ensure that there is accessibility of affordable and reliable energy within the county.
- Provision of street lights and high mast lights to enhance security in major towns within the county.
- Look into ways of harnessing the use of green energy (solar and wind) to reduce energy cost and preserve the environment.
Street lighting
The core mandate of the department is to provide adequate lighting to the urban centers within the County. This will transform main towns to 24 hours economies in terms of trade, security, and safety.
The ministry initiated a solar street system which is bill-free to replace electricity bill-cost and environmentally friendly.
- Ensure effective management of the County Transport System.
- Constructing, maintaining and managing bus terminuses and parking bays within the County.
- Effective management of county vehicles.
- Effective management of the fuel for county vehicles.
Public works and Housing
As per the 2009 Kenya Population and Housing Census, the total number of households stood at 173,063. Household distribution by stone (wall materials), cement (floor materials) and corrugated iron sheet (roofing materials) was 27.6, 57.3 and 67.1 percent respectively which is mainly urban population. Household distribution by mud (wall materials), earth (floor materials) and mud/dung (roofing materials) was 22.7, 38.7 and 10.3 percent respectively which is mainly rural population. Due to the occurrence of rapid urbanisation and mushrooming of informal settlements, there is need for access to adequate, safe and affordable housing across the county using Appropriate Building Technology (ABT).
- Development and maintenance of public buildings
- Provision of mechanical and electrical (building services)
- Maintenance of inventory of County Government houses and offices
- Development control
- Provide protection and prevention of buildings and human life from fire related disasters.
- Design and generation of BQs for county projects.
Water, Irrigation, Environment, and Natural Resources
Water resources
The County lies in the semi-arid and arid zones with mean annual precipitation being approximately 400 mm/year (1983-2015, ARC2 data). Largely, the county does not have a reliable source of water with the main sources of water being seasonal rivers, shallow wells, prings, dams, water pans and boreholes.
Water supply schemes
There are five Water Resource User Associations (WRUA) managed by the communities at the grass root levels. There are also several water providers within the County among them Nolturesh-Loitokitok Water and Sewerage Company in Kajiado South; Olkejuado Water and Sewerage Company (OWASCO) in Kajiado Central and Nolturesh Water and Sewerage Company Limited in Kajiado North. The companies are wholly owned subsidiaries of the County Government of Kajiado. Plans are underway to streamline the services of the water providers with an aim to ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all.
Water sources and access
Kajiado County is an Arid and Semi-Arid Land (ASAL) characterised by an acute shortage of clean and safe water for drinking and other domestic uses. According to the County Statistical Abstract 2015, only 67.2 percent of the total population have access to safe water. The number of households (HH) with an access to piped and portable water is about 36.8 percent of the total population.
The main sources of water in the rural areas are water pans, dams and protected springs with the
most reliable source being boreholes. There are 1150 public boreholes which are commonly managed by communities. However, the county is still water stressed. In order to ensure availability and sustainable management of water, there is need to achieve universal equitable access to safe and affordable drinking water. Plans are underway to expand water distribution infrastructure by extending Nolturesh water pipeline by 100 Kms; Construction of 3 mega dams; and Construction of 80 sand dams by the end of plan period and sinking of boreholes to public schools.
Irrigation potential
Irrigation investments depends on geographic, hydrologic, agronomic and economic factors. Kajiado County has a potential to boost agricultural productivity to a high extent although some regions depend on the rains. The area which have been used for irrigation is approximately 6000 Ha where furrow irrigation is dominant at 70 percent and 20 percent drip irrigation system.
Irrigation schemes (small/ large scale)
There are 80 No. of small scale irrigation schemes and 2 No. large scale irrigation scheme. Completion of Namelok irrigation scheme in Kajiado South and Nkurumani irrigation scheme in Kajiado West may help to double the agricultural productivity and incomes for the food producers. The annual turnover for Namelok and Nkuruman irrigation schemes is Ksh.742 million and 512 million respectively.
Major degraded areas / hotspots and major contributions to environmental degradation Major degraded areas are Olkeriai River and its tributaries cutting across Kajiado Central and East, Toroka River in Kajiado West sub-county and Olkejuado ‘Dead River’ in Kajiado Central. This is mainly because of sand harvesting along the river bends which has been exploited for commercial purposes. Kajiado is a major supplier of sand to local market, Nairobi County, Machakos County among other areas. Ballast is also exploited for commercial purposes by private investors in Kajiado East.
Oldepe in Mosiro ward, Ewuaso ward, Oltepesi in Lodokilani ward, Torosei, Mailua, Meto, Ilmarba, Ilpatimaro, and Lorngosua all in Kajiado Central have been highly degraded. Illegal logging and illegitimate charcoal burning have been the major causes of degradation. Charcoal burning has been a major economic activity especially in Kajiado West and Central. This charcoal is supplied to urban areas including Kitengela, Rongai and Ngong as well as Nairobi. Areas that are highly affected include communal land in Torosei. The County has enacted charcoal harvesting Act, 2015 to guide in management of the forest resource and collaborates with the Kenya Forest Service (KFS) in enforcement.
Environmental threats
Kajiado being an ASAL is characterised by prolonged periods of abnormally low rainfall and shortage of water. This results to substantial impact on the ecosystem and agriculture harming the local economy. The above mentioned areas have been highly degraded by illegal tree felling, charcoal burning, over harvesting of sand risking loss of bio-diversity, pollution and loss of aesthetic value. Flash floods are a common menace during long rains season mainly because of erosion and lack of vegetation cover.
- Environment Officers posted to Sub Counties for improved service delivery including enhanced garbage collection and aesthetics in all towns.
- Acquisition of a specialized self-loading truck for efficient garbage collection in Kajiado North and parts of Kajiado West
- Routine maintenance of dump sites and their access roads which have remained open even during rainy seasons e.g Ngong and Kitengela dumpsites.
- Over 150,000 tree seedlings planted county wide through donations to institutions, planting in county forests and public parks. This was also made possible through public private partnerships.
- Forestry devolved functions taken*** by signing of TIPS from county forestry office to county department of environment
- Delineation of boundaries and afforestation of water towers e.g the Entarara forest which we have planted 20000 tree seedlings and recruited forest guards to deter encroachment.
- Compliance on sand harvesting regulations to conserve river line ecosystems and access roads through ban on overloading.
- Partnerships on waste management plans e.g City of Umea in Sweden, Danish Environment Protection Agency
- Illegal charcoal production drastically by banning the trade and concerted efforts with other agencies like KFS to enforce the directive.
- Inadequate specialized truck and other tools for garbage collection but we have budgeted for one additional truck and equipment in the next financial year
- Low coverage on waste management in small towns due to limited number of garbage collection truck but in the process of relocating of one truck from Kajiado North to specifically serve Isinya and Kisaju towns.
- Low awareness on sanitation in rural set up but from next financial year Women and youth groups to be engaged in small towns as a means of empowering them whle enhancing cleanliness and stakeholder awareness in rural centres.
- Low compliance with regulations due to lack of enforcement officers in the department but we have discussed with Public service on need for Enforcement Officers to be attached to enforce environmental regulations
Trade, Co-operatives and Enterprise Development
The department has the following objectives
Strategic Objectives
Promote Tourism,
II. Trade development,
III. cultural heritage and investments,
IV. Promote industrial development and entrepreneurship.
There are 14 established markets with 11 markets duly completed and 3 at various levels of completion. Currently, Ngong, Kitengela and Olekasasi markets are set to benefit from Nairobi Metropolitan Service Improvement Programme (NaMSIP) conditional grant. The County Government plans to set aside Kshs 85M in order to benefit from the grant. Ngong market will eventually benefit to a tune of Kshs 700M for the purpose of completion of the project.
Industrial parks
Economic Stimulus Programme (ESP) aimed at constructing and equipping one ‘juakali’ site in every constituency. Under the Ministry of Industrialisation, 4 juakali sheds in Kajiado town, Kimana, Kitengela and Ngong were constructed and currently needs to be equipped. This was targeting to facilitate participation of youth as artisans and entrepreneurs in massive social infrastructure projects and construction works.
Major industries
Kajiado County offers a harmonious and stable business working environment to industries and factories to ensure sustainable production and consumption patterns. It holds a number of extractive, manufacturing and tertiary industries spread across the county. There are 10 major manufacturing industries and factories; and 15 mining & Natural resources extractors. The factories and industries production range from plastics, glass, cosmetics, blocks, engineering, agro, among others spread across Kajiado North and Kajiado East.
Education, Vocational Training, Youth and Sports
The department of Education and vocational training is one of the departments/ministries of the Kajiado county government led by the honourable County Executive committee member (CECM) Mr. Samuel Seki. The department has two major sections, Early Child Hood education and Vocational training.
Pre- Primary Education
Kajiado County has a total number of 888 ECD Centres with a total population of 61,225 children. Out of this, the percentage of boys enrolled stands high at 53 percent in comparison to the population of girls which is 47 percent. Kajiado North leads in the enrolment which is 27,468 representing 45 percent of the total enrolment. Net enrolment rate is 86 percent. There are 3 facilities that cater for children with special needs: Enkijape Pre Primary in Loitokitok for hearing impaired; Primary Boys boarding in Kajiado for the visually impaired; and AIC Childcare in Kajiado for multiple needs. The overall retention rate stands at 67 percent with Kajiado East leading at 98 percent. The completion and transition rates are relatively high which stands at 83 and 89 percent respectively. However, the dropout rate stands at 19 percent which may necessitate the Education department to carry out a research and work towards its reduction.
Primary Education
The County has a total of 771 primary schools comprising of 446 public and 325 private schools. The total population of pupil stands at 154,677 translating to a teacher / pupil ratio of 1:43. The net enrolment rate is substantial at 77 percent with the highest record in Kajiado North. Nonetheless, the County Government has a responsibility of attaining 100 percent enrolment rate. The retention and completion rates stands at 63 percent and 77 percent.
Secondary Education
The county has a total record of 121 secondary schools with 70 being public and 51 private schools. The net enrolment rate stands at 54 percent with the county recording a substantial drop out rate at 15 percent with the rural areas still taking the lead at an average dropout rate of 30 percent. Community distance distribution to the nearest public secondary school still remains high especially in the remote areas across the County. This may attribute to the high dropout rate together with lack of mobile education program in the county.
Technical and Vocational Training Centres (TVETs)
TVETs are aimed at equipping trainees with practical skills and entrepreneurial skills that will enable them get opportunities and help better their lives as they contribute towards achieving the countries aspirations under the Vision 2030. The county is home to the Maasai Technical Training Institute (MTTI).
Tertiary Education
The County has five private universities and two private university campuses. Other training institutions include teachers training colleges and commercial colleges spread across the main towns. The county plans to establish Olkejuado University of Applied Technology (OLKUAT), a public university aimed at providing technical skills aimed at providing the much needed manpower in varied fields of the economy.
Gender, Social Services, Culture, Tourism and Wildlife
The department has the following goals and objectives
Goals and Objectives
- To enhance youth participation in socio-economic development
- To nurture and promote youth talent
- To achieve equal opportunities for all genders
- To provide sustainable and participatory process geared towards improved
livelihoods - To uphold participatory monitoring and evaluation for accountability and
Sports, Culture and Creative Arts
Sports facilities
Kajiado County is committed to upgrade the sports infrastructure to host outdoor sports and other events. Ngong stadium is work in progress and is aimed to host ball games (football and volleyball) and field events. Other stadia that needs a major facelift include Kitengela, Loitokitok, Kajiado, Kimana and Olekasasi.
Talent Academies
Talent academies are basically meant to identify special abilities especially in youth, train and offer networking platforms. Despite lack of a talent academy in the county, the department of Youth, Sports, Gender and Social Services programme “Kajiado talent bila drugs” gather youths to showcase their talents. The talents identified range from spoken word, modelling, rapping, artists, dancers, actors, orators and newscasters.
Museums, Heritage and Cultural sites
Maasai community is deemed as a ‘Symbol of Kenyan Culture’ due to their deep rooted cultural values and traditional way of life. Amboseli National Park being a tourist attraction centre, holds around 15 Cultural Bomas within and at its periphery. This has seen the mushrooming of male and female bead work artists although spreading to other parts of the county. There are approximately 4000 people engaged in cultural works of whom 3000 are women and 1000 men across the County. The cultural sites and monuments also includes 1 archaeological site, 9 traditional sites and 1 bird watching site. The County promotes cultural activities and have in the past taken part in the County Music and Cultural Festival as well as County Drama Festival.
Libraries /information documentation centres/ Citizen Service centres
The county is in the process of completing the construction of a mega public library. Previously, the county had an operational information and documentation centre in Kajiado Central, this facility is no longer operational as a result of office space constraints. There is need to re-establish the documentation centres to ensure storage and dissemination of government information.
Kajiado County has one Huduma Centre located within Kajiado town. This has enhanced transparency, efficiency and easy accessibility of public services to all. There exist social hallsacross the county although not fully equipped but they are utilised in hosting community meetings.
Main wildlife
The County hosts a variety of wildlife including leopard, cheetah, wild dog, buffalo, elephant, giraffe, zebra, lion, hippos, hyenas, blue wildebeest, crocodile, mongoose, hyrax, gerenuk, lesser kudu, porcupine and a prolific birdlife that features over 600 species among others.
Wildlife conservation areas
There are 24 wildlife conservancies sitting on 314,691Ha with Amboseli ecosystem in Kajiado South having 18 conservancies with 190,607Ha and the rest of the county having 9 Conservancies covering 124,084Ha. The major conservancies include Shompole (15,000Ha), Eselenkei (15,000Ha); Olgulului Ololarrashi (12140Ha), Olkiramatian (10,000Ha), Ilaingurunyoni (12,000Ha); Kitenden (10,400Ha), Empaash (12,140Ha); Rombo Emampuli (10,000Ha) and Olenarika (10,000Ha).
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