Kilifi County

Education and ICT

The mandate of the County in the Education sector is in matters of Early Childhood Education (ECDE) and Vocational Training.
Kilifi has a total of 1550 ECDE centers. Out of these 777 are public with a total enrolment of 58628 and 773 private ECDE centers. The department has invested in the construction of new ECDE centers now numbering 436. There are 757 primary schools and 178 secondary schools, 13 Youth Polytechnics, 280 adult education centres. There are 41 Vocational Training Centers with a total enrolment of 5494 spread across the County. The centers offer a wide range of vocational courses which have brought learning closer to the people.

The county has a mandate to Facilitate the provision of quality Education, Vocational Training, enhance Digital Literacy and promote the use of Information and Communication Technology. it works towards a vision of being a leading responsive facilitator in improving the quality of Early Year Education, Vocational Training and Information Communication and Technology services through capacity building and responsiveness to societal needs. The department of Education & ICT occupies a strategic position in the County with an enrolment of 58628 children in pre-primary and 5494 in vocational Training centres and contributes significantly to the economic development in the county. A total of 15 new Technical Vocational Training Institutions were constructed adding up to the 13 old ones making a total of 28 operational VTCs. Tools and equipment have been procured for 14 VTCs. The first ever joint VTC graduation ceremony happened on June 2016 graced by H.E. the Governor Amason Jeffa Kingi. Renovations for 4 YPs were done to completion. Boards of Governors were established and 33 instructors employed on permanent and pensionable terms in all the public VTCs.
The Overall Literacy Rate in Kilifi County Stands At 68%. Of This Number, 51% Are Men While 49% Are Women. The county has 3 universities/colleges including Pwani University College, bandari College, kilifi Medical College. This has shown that the county has attain 50% literacy due some challenges including culture and ignorance.

Administration, Corporate Services, and Stakeholder Management

The county has seven sub-counties namely: Kilifi North, Kilifi South, Ganze, Malindi, Magarini, Rabai and Kaloleni. It has 35 wards, 54 locations, and 165 sub locations. The functions of the County administration are important in the coordination of the county executive. Section 44 of the County Governments Act establishes The Office of the County Secretary.

The County Secretary In Kilifi County performs the following functions:

  • He is the Head of the County Public Service (Article 235 of the Kenyan Constitution). Public service means the collectivity of all individuals, other than State officers, performing a function within a State organ.
  • Responsible for arranging the business and keeping the minutes, of the county executive committee subject to the directions of the executive committee.
  • Conveys the decisions of the county executive committee to the appropriate persons or authorities.

It is also responsible for

  1. Special Program Policies
  2. County Policing Authority
  3. Administration
  4. Coordination of decentralized units- urban and rural areas.
  5. Communication
  6. Stakeholders Management
  7. County Security
  8. Disaster Management and emergency response coordination
  9. Follow up of the Implementation of County & National Policies
  10. County Forums
  11. Corporate Services
  12. Coordinate participation of Communities in governance at the local level

Water, Environment, and Natural Resources

The department has a mandate to the following:

  •  Sustainable management of natural resources
  • Development and conservation of forest resources
  • Maintain a clean and healthy environment for sustainable development
  • Manage sustainable exploitation of natural resources

The department has achieved the following

  1. Water Sub-sector Ongoing Projects Jimba
  2.  Jacaranda Water Project Malindi Kathama
  3.  Chakama Community Water Project Malindi Mirorini –
  4. Mambos as a Water Project Langobaya Malindi Magarini Bungale Water Project Marafa Magarini.
  5. Preparation of a State Of Environment Report2.
  6.  Develop an Annual Environmental Action Plan3.
  7. County Tree Planting Programme4. Develop An Urban Greening Programme5.
  8. Support Conservation of Ecotourism Sites.

The county is faced with a number of environmental challenges ranging from air pollution from the quarries and cement factories, water pollution, soil degradation, deforestation, poor solid waste management in the major urban Centres. Less than 10 percent of the households disposed their garbage or solid waste through an organized system.
Climate change in the County has seen an increase in intensity and frequency in occurrence of extreme weather events such as severe droughts and floods in Ganze, Kaloleni and Magarini constituencies. These extreme events have had negative socio-economic impacts on almost all sectors such as health, agriculture, environment and tourism. The county is endowed with a wide range of minerals such as Manganese in Ganze constituency, salt in Magarini constituency, coral rocks (stones) in Kilifi South and Kilifi North constituencies, sand in the Entire County, and limestone in Kilifi South constituency and silica in Malindi constituency. Most of these minerals still remain unexploited due to inadequate knowledge on their status, economic viability and appropriate mining technologies.

Trade, Tourism and Cooperative Development

The department has a vision of being a globally competitive and innovative tourism, cooperative, trade and industrial sector for socio-economic development. It has a mandate to:

  • Develop and manage trade and industrialization
  • Promote the development of cooperative societies
  • Develop and manage tourism within the county

The function of the department are as follows:

  • Trade Licensing
  • Fair trading practices
  • Co-operative Societies
  • Domestic Tourism

For years, residents of Kilifi County have depended on make-shift markets which come with a host of challenges, key among them overcrowding and congestion.When H.E Governor Amason Kingi took charge in Kilifi County at the onset of devolution, he pledged to create a robust market system that would act as a focal point for reviving the agricultural sector by providing an avenue for local farmers to sell their produce. In pursuit of this, the Department of Trade has built modern markets across the County, creating over 3,000 new trading spaces. In July this year, the newly-constructed Gongoni market was officially launched.
The market can hold 146 traders and will serve the population of Gongoni town as well as those in its environs. The market has 114 grocery stalls, 16 fresh fish spaces, 9 enclosed shops and 7 hotel spaces. The department has also constructed other major markets in the County. Mtwapa market which is already complete, awaiting its official opening, will accommodate over 200 traders. Mkwajuni market in Takaungu has 34 trading spaces while Kwa Jiwa market in Malindi accommodates over 200 traders. The department has also refurbished some existing markets which include Mkwajuni market, Charo Wa Mae and Malindi Handicraft shade. In this financial year, the Department intends to complete the construction of Matsangoni market in Kilifi North Sub-County and Bamba market. The department will also initiate the construction of Kaloleni market as well as refurbish other small markets in various parts of the county such as Marafa and Sosoni in Magarini sub- county.The county has a number of tourist attractions including the sandy beaches, historical sites

Culture, Gender, Youth, Sports, and Social Services

The goal of the Ministry of Gender, Culture, Social Services and Sports is to promote socio-cultural empowerment and access to equitable development opportunities in a society responsive to the needs of vulnerable and marginalized groups. The department works towards a vision to promote sustainable and equitable socio-cultural and economic empowerment of all.

The department has a mandate to:

  1. To promote social protection to the vulnerable members of the Kilifi society.
  2. To empower the Youth
  3. To develop and promote Sports.
  4. To promote gender equality and preserve positive culture for socio-economic development
  5. To Control and license Betting and Gaming premises and the activities carried therein.

Kilifi county is dominated by the mijikendas who highly appreciate their culture and showcase it in different ways so as to uphold it.
The department has the following directorates

The department has achieved the following:

  1. Developed architectural designs for Kilifi Stadium.
  2. Undertook topographical surveys for Mtepeni,Mgandini,Bomani and GandaSports ground.
  3. Procured and distributed sports equipment worth 23.9Million Ksh.
  4. Supported Kilifi All Stars Fc to play six Division I league matches.
  5. Did one primary schools football tournament to fight and highlight teenage pregnancies.
  6. Supported Special Olympics team to attend Special Olympics Unified Cup girls football tournament in the United States.
  7. Reduction of illegal gambling in the county.
  8. Completion of Bomani and Kakuyuni,Social halls.
  9. Fenced Chonyi Cultural centre.
  10. Held Chenda Chenda Cultural festival.
  11. Held sensitization seminar for 4o children.
  12. Sensitized 500 senior citizens on killings on suspicion of whichcraft
  13. Sensitive 1000 persons living with disabilities on the need for registration with National Commission for person living with disabilities.
  14. Trained 10 TOTs on e-business
  15. Distributed non-food items to 30 elderly persons
  16. Conducted International Youth Week
  17. Conducted The 16 days of activism
  18. Conducted International women’s day
  19. Implemented agribusiness program in partnership with the department of agriculture and NGO called USTAD.
  20. Formulated a draft gender policy
  21. Conducted campaigns against teen pregnancies in all sub counties in kilifi .
  22. Conducted Community Dialogues to establish issues or root causes to teen pregnancy
  23. Developed the AYPSRH/HIV Strategy.
  24. Electrical wiring of Mnarani youth Empowerment center
  25. Electrical Wiring of hell’s kitchen

In the gender section in the department is working towards the following

  1. Poverty alleviation in women through VSLA
  2. Fight against GBV and retrogressive cultural practices
  3. Utilization of the opportunities presented by the blue economy.
  4. Construction of GBV rescue centre.

The sports and Recreation sector has the following projects:

  1. Construction of Kilifi Stadium
  2. Upgrading of Majengo, Kibarani, Bomani and Msabaha community sports grounds
  3. Club support programme
  4. Sports talents search (to form Kilifi FC)
  5. Upgrading of sports amenities and recreation areas
  6. Participation in leagues and competitions

The following projects and programmes have been proposed to spearhead the youth agenda. the Youth Affairs Development

  • Youth empowerment centre phase 2
  • Savings and loans advancement
  • Enhancing Youth access to AGPO
  • Fight against radicalization, violent extremism, crime, drug and substance abuse and idleness
  • Fight against early pregnancies and early marriages
  • Mentorship programmes
  • Tapping youth artistic talents.

The Social Protection sector has the following projects at hand

  1. Construction of empowerment centre for PWD
  2. Provision of assistive devices to PWDs
  3. Construction of safe houses for children
  4. Child rights protection programs
  5. Construction of social halls
  6. Construction of community library.

Agriculture, Livestock Development and Fisheries

The agricultural sector holds some of the main and major economic activities in Kilifi County. The sector consists of three subsectors in the areas of agriculture, livestock development, and fisheries development. The County Agriculture production is dominated by both food and cash crops at both subsistence and commercial levels. Livestock keeping is another major economic activity thriving in the county due to availability of extensive rangelands and favorable weather conditions.   There is a wide variety of both large and small stock including poultry and bee keeping.  Fisheries is a major economic activity in the county with commercial and subsistence marine capture fisheries along 300km coastline and in the 200nm EEZ resource base. The department works with a vision to be a modern, responsive, innovative and commercially-oriented agriculture, rural and urban development sector.

The objections of the department include

  1. To increase crop productivity, value addition, and marketing for sustained income and livelihoods
  2. To improve livestock production for wellbeing and wealth creation
  3. To improve sustainable fisheries development and management for socio-economic development
  4. To increase the proportion of people with equitable access to decent and affordable housing
  5. To manage the development and growth of urban areas through integrated planning
  6. To facilitate land survey for secure land tenure
  7. To improve management and application of land information

More than half of the land in the county is arable. Major crops that are grown for subsistence purposes include maize, cassava, green grams, cow peas, rice and bananas. Horticultural crops play a vital role in terms of improving the socio-economic welfare of the communities in the County. Cashewnut, coconut and mangoes are the major horticultural crops grown in the county. Other horticultural crops grown are the pineapples, lemons, passion fruits, lime, pawpaw, water melons and vegetables.

Acreage Under Food and Cash Crops

The county has abundant arable land which is estimated at 6,891.2km2 with the non-arable land constituting of 5,407 km2. This implies that over 56% of the land in the county is suitable for agricultural practices while the remaining 44% can be transformed for agricultural purposes by investing in irrigation-related technologies. Ironically it’s only a total area of 112,879 Ha of land is under food crops while that under horticultural including fruits and vegetables is 73041.7 Ha in the county.
In this regard, it’s important to increase the total land areas under crop production in a bid to secure food security and also support agribusiness development for economic prosperity in the county in tandem with the aspirations of SDGs 1 and 2 seeking to eradicate poverty in all its dimensions and hunger. This calls for deliberate efforts to promote innovation Public Private Partnerships (PPP) in a bid to support heavy investment in poverty reduction and food security
through re-engineering agriculture.

Average Farm Sizes

The average Land size per HH for most small holder farmers is 3.6 acres and 8.09 ha for large scale farms in the county. The total number of farm families is 199,674 of which 80,960 are male and the remaining 118,714 are female. The small farm size for the majority of the small holder farmers has been a limiting factor on the amount of farm produce though employment of agricultural inputs such as certified seeds and fertilizer has led to improved productivity.

Main Storage Facilities

There are two main categories of storage facilities in the county. These include the traditional storage facilities commonly referred to as granaries, constructed using either grass or makuti by smallholders farmers for the storage of farm produce. The other category is the modern storage
facilities such as the go-downs belonging to the National Cereal and Produce Board (NCPB) which are located in Kilifi town. The facility is used for storage of bulk grains.
Livestock keeping is an important economic activity that supports the livelihoods of many communities in the county. Cattle, sheep, goats and poultry are the major types of livestock kept by subsistence farmers in the county. Smallholder farmers keep at least 10 cattle per household.
The Indigenous breed-mainly Zebu and Boran are the most common livestock breeds kept by smallholder farmers. Exotic breeds are kept by commercial dairy farmers in the county including Kilifi Plantation found within 3 kilometers of the shoreline with cattle populations of more than 600 pure and cross breeds. Some of the breeds kept are Freshian, Ayshire, Brown Swiss, Fleckvier, Sahiwal, Jersey and some crosses of the Boran. Small East African Goat and the Galla comprise the major breeds of goats kept. On the other hand, the most common breeds of sheep in the county are Blackhead Persian and indigenous. Local and exotic poultry is kept mainly for meat and egg production. The Califonia White and Chinchila are the most predominant breeds of rabbits found in the county. Other types of livestock kept are pigs, ostrich, bees and rabbits for their honey and meat, respectively.

Livestock production in the county is hampered by the prevalence of diseases. Livestock in the county is prone to diseases such as Foot and Mouth Disease, Lumpy Skin Disease which occur occasionally. Other endemic diseases are Newcastle, gumboro and contagious Caprine Pleura Pneumonia (CCPP). It’s worth noting that incidences of both anthrax and rabies occur occasionally. Tick borne diseases prevalent in the county are Heart water, East coast fever and anaplasmosis. In 2017, several incidences of heartwater, East coast fever and anaplasmosis diseases were reported among cattle and goats across the county. Tsetsefly borne disease (Trypanosomiasis), diarrhea, helminthiasis, and pneumonia are also prevalent in the county.

Livestock keeping increases household income significantly and therefore contributes towards poverty reduction in tandem with SDG 1, which seeks to eradicate extreme poverty in all its dimensions for all people everywhere. Cattle and indigenous chicken contributes to 52 and 30 percent of household cash income, respectively. Goats and sheep on the other hand contribute 10 and 3 percent of cash income, respectively. In the ranching zone, goats contribute 65 percent
of the household cash income.

Key challenges faced by livestock farmers in the county are frequent drought spells, poor quality of breeds, wildlife invasions, pests and diseases, inadequate infrastructure and poor marketing of ranch products. In this regard, investing in upgrading of local breeds, strengthening marketing strategies, strengthening disease control strategies through creation of a disease-free zone is will be prioritized in leveraging the sector’s contribution to poverty reduction.


The county has a total of 11 ranches. Six (6) of these are group owned, two (2) are owned by the Agricultural Development Corporation (ADC), two (2) owned by a private company and one (1) is a private ranch. One group ranch is dormant while the rest are active. Private ranches include Giriama Company and Kilifi Company, while group ranches include; Birya, Ndigiria/Mapotea, Mnangoni, Dola, Chakama, Kiski and Weru,. The ADC ranches include Galana and Kulalu. Livestock are kept primarily for milk and beef production. The carrying capacity of each of the ranch is estimated at 3 livestock per hectare in dairy zones and 0.25 livestock per hectare in the rangelands. Developing a disease control strategy to curb endemic diseases will play a critical role in ensuring high quality livestock products both for the local and export markets.


Apiculture is a significant economic activity among smallholder farmers in the County. The county has a total of 14,192 bee hives of which, 3,533 comprise of log hives, 3,789 Kenya Top Bee Hive (KTBH) and 6,870 Langstroth beehives. Honey production amounted to 121,360 kg in the last 5 years translating to Ksh 84,952,000 income at the household level. In the last two years, honey production was negatively affected by persistent drought.


The full potential of aquaculture in the county has not been realized due lack of information to guide its development. The county relies heavily on natural water bodies for its supply of fish production whose resources are subjected to over-exploitation and global climatic change.

Fresh Water Aquaculture.

The potential of fresh water aquaculture development in the county was least known until Economic Stimulus Program (ESP) in 2011 which initiated the establishment of about 900 artisanal fish ponds. The programs was rolled out in all the sub-counties; Malindi, Magarini, Kilifi North, Kilifi South, Ganze and Kaloleni and Rabai. The project aimed at providing alternative income, employment opportunities and to ensure food security in the country. The fish farmed in the county are tilapia (Tilapia niloticus) and catfish (Clariusgariepinus). Water shortages, enough seeds for stocking, feeds as well in-availability of cheap fish feeds affected the success of the project. The sector also faces steep competition with marine fish which is lowly priced. The potential of aquaculture in the county has not been established hence the need to carry out feasibility studies and mapping of the areas deemed potential for development.


The development of mariculture technologies within the marine ecosystem is aimed at reducing fishing pressure within the creeks and to provide alternative source of income for the fishing community in the areas of implementation. The tidal flats and tidal swamps behind the mangrove grounds in Mtwapa, Kilifi, Mida, Mto Kilifi, and Ngomeni are conducive environments for mariculture development as well as algaeculture /seaweed farming. Currently small scale mariculture activities are conducted in Ngomeni, Mida, and Kilifi creek. In Kilifi creek, mariculture activities were initiated by Pwani University in collaboration with Fisheries department and KEMFRI. The viability of the project had attracted more funding from County government through Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries and Kenya Coastal Development Program (KCDP) for up scaling of the activities. In Magarini sub-county, Ngomeni has a potential area of about 7922 Ha for establishment of mariculture activities. Ngomeni Prawns Farm established in 1978 by the Kenya government in collaboration with FAO and UNDP had a total of 77.8 Ha but currently is under private ownership.

Main Fishing Activities, Types of Fish Produced, Landing Sites

The fisheries sector has the potential to contribute significantly to the county’s economy through employment creation, foreign exchange earnings, poverty reduction and food security support. This can be achieved through innovation, modernization, and orientation towards commercialization in both aquaculture and capture fisheries. For instance, an average of 2,885 m tons of fish worth KShs.554 million land every year in the county. According to a recent Frame
Survey, 2016, the county has a total of 4,713 artisanal fishermen operating along the county shoreline. The total number of fishing vessels is estimated at 1,057.
A myriad of marine fisheries activities are carried out within the county leading to the categorization of the following type of fishing detailed as follows:

  1. Artisanal Fishery: It’s mostly confined in the inshore and near shore areas especially due to the fishing gears and crafts used. This fishery supports over 4,000 fishermen ranging from foot fishers to those using motorized fishing boats with up to 5 nautical miles reach from the shore.
  2. Sport Fishery: This is a major fishery in the county associated with gaming and tourism industry. The county has 4 active sport fishing facilities in Watamu, Malindi, Mtwapa and Kilifi that attract sport fishers from many countries who seasonally visit for the popular activity. It’s a major boast to hospitality industry.
  3. Marine Ornamental Fishery. Kenya exports up to 0.5M pieces of marine ornamental fishes worth approximately KShs. 28million. Kilifi County contributes up to 50% of the sources of this marine ornamental fishery for export along the Kenya coast.
  4. Semi Industrial and Industrial Fishery. Semi industrial prawn fishery is a species-specific fishery in the Malindi Ungwana Bay area involving medium size trawlers to fish for prawns. Every year, there are 4-5 semi-commercial trawlers involved in Prawn fishery in the 3-5 nautical miles stretch along the Kilifi County shoreline in the Malindi Ungwana Bay. There are up to 7 semi commercial and industrial vessels operating in the EEZ from foreign countries
    fishing under licensing agreements with Kenya.

Fisheries activities are actively carried out during the Northeast Monsoon wind (Kasikazi) which starts from October to March each year. Low fish production is mainly realized during Southeast Monsoon Winds (Kusi) which fall within the months of April to September. The high demand of fish in the hotel industry has transformed fishing into a lucrative industry. The county has over 7,000 fishermen distributed in different landing sites along the coastal line. The landing sites are under co-management of Beach Management Units (BMU). Kilifi South sub-county is represented by 3 landing sites including Mtwapa, Kanamai and Kuruwitu. Takaungu, Mnarani, Bofa, Wesa, Roka, Uyombo, Watamu falls under the jurisdiction of BMUs in Kilifi North Sub-county. Mayungu and Malindi are in Malindi sub-county with Ngomeni, Marereni, and Fundissa under co-management of Beach Management Unit (BMU) in Magarini. Fishing of live fish in Kuruwitu, Kanamai, Mnarani, Kilifi, and Bofa fishing grounds are mainly done by Tropical Sea harvest. While the market for fish is very huge in the coastal areas of Kenya.

Land, Energy, Housing, Physical Planning, and Urban Development

Kilifi county has been grappling with critical land issues of land tenure, inadequate access to energy & Housing and unplanned areas.
The mandate of the County in the land sector is in matters of equal distribution and sustainable management of land resources and sustainable urban development and human settlement.
The department is committed to providing an enabling environment for sustainable land use & urban management, development of housing & clean energy for all.

The department performs the following functions:

  • County policy formulation and legislation on lands.
  • Determination of property boundaries.
  • Solving of the property boundary dispute.
  • Fencing and development of properties.
  • Land property valuation services.
  • Development and management of County housing.
  • Managing both Government and Community Land in liaison with the National Government and National Land Commission.
  • County planning and development.
  • Identifying sites for renewable energy.
  • Electricity and gas reticulation.
  • Energy regulation.

According to the Kilifi County Baseline Survey (2013) 65% of farm land was owned by household head or spouse, about 20% communally owned and 4% rented out by individual owners. 34% of households had title deeds to their land, 55% owned land without formal documents, 22% had communal rights to use of land and about 8% had use of land but never been allocated (squatter). This indicates that about 66% of all households did not have formal titles to the land and therefore could not use land as collateral to borrow loans or as incentive to undertake investments. Percentage of households with title deeds has, however, greatly improved since then, courtesy of the Government of Kenya’s title issuance and settlement schemes acceleration program and County Government support of administration of new adjudication schemes. Between 2013 and 2017, 105,470 Ha of land in 35 adjudication sections were surveyed and demarcated, benefiting over 40, 000 households.

Land Use

Natural pastures occupy almost half of County farm lands, woodlots 7%, improved pasture/forage production 8%, homesteads 9%, subsistence crop production 21%, commercial crop production 1.5% and unusable land (swampy, rocky, hilly, etc.) 8%.
Use of land that has not been allocated to current occupiers (squatters) in the County is not so much a landlessness problem as is a communal protest against historical land injustices associated with colonialism and delayed or skewed post-colonial state’s implementation of land sector reforms. Kilifi, as are most coastal Counties, is still contending not only with the monumental ten-mile coastal strip land alienation problem but also the British Crown land legacy. These legally protected lands are at the core of the squatter problem in both the rural and urban areas of the County. While the Kenya Government, through the National Land Commission has in recent times been regularizing squatter settlement on the former British Crown land (that became state land after independence and now public land), formalizing squatter settlements in the privately registered land in the ten-mile coastal strip remains a thorny issue. Delay in redressing the crown land legacy, which alienated vast areas of prime land for allocation to British subjects at the pleasure of their king/queen, has led to the squatter problem and what is now popularly known as ‘land grabbing’, the irregular alienation of public land to private ‘developers’. The result of all this is growth of unplanned urban settlements, alienation of public utility spaces, dispossession and displacement of poor and vulnerable communities, increasingsocial inequalities and many other socio-economic problems. The County Government will, therefore, continue working with the national land commission and the land administration system in general towards formalization of all settlements, particularly of areas considered ancestral land by the occupiers.

Mean Land Holding Size

The County’s farm land use pattern indicates availability of a relatively high average acreage per farming household and favourable physical conditions for the production of a variety of food and cash crops. This is deduced from the fact that almost half of County farm land is natural pastures, with only 21% under subsistence crop production and a mere 1.5% under commercial crop production. The mean land holding size per household is 3.04 Ha while the mean holding size for large scale farmers is 8.09 Ha in the county.

Energy Access

Over 80% of the population in the county relies on wood fuel for their energy needs, a fact that has led to destruction of forests in the county. Access to electricity and solar energy technologies is estimated at 21% and 6% respectively. Those that have access to liquefied petroleum gas and paraffin is estimated at 2% and 8% respectively. According to Kenya National Bureau of Statistics (KNBS) and Society for International Development (SID), 2013, the potential for investment in renewable energy sources is high given that the county receives over 6 hours of sunlight, with an average of Direct Normal Irradiation (DNI) ranging between 4.0kW2/s in the hinterland areas around the western parts of Magarini sub county to 6.75 kW2/.Strong winds on land with an average speed of between 5-71m/s present a significant opportunity for development of renewable wind energy. In addition, the Indian Ocean is a potential source of off shore energy. This is indeed exemplified by the strong winds, waves, tides and temperature that can be tapped for the development and generation of renewable marine/blue energy. The exploitation of renewable energy option is important especially in the light of the wanton environmental degradation that has been witnessed majorly in the arid and semi-arid parts of Malindi, Kaloleni, Ganze and Magarini where deforestation resulting from charcoal burning has reached alarming levels. Inadequate technical capacity and lack of data on the existing potential remain a key constraint in this regard. Therefore, there is need to conduct thorough feasibility studies to quantify the opportunities for developing marine renewable energy sources so as to maximize returns from investments in the sector.

Housing Types

Different construction materials are used in building houses in different localities. National Housing Survey (2013) indicates that iron sheets usage for roofing, in Kilifi County, is at 43.7% and that of grass/Makuti is at 53%. Wall construction using stones/blocks/bricks is at 30% and it is mostly in urban areas while mud/ wattle wall construction is at 48%, mostly in rural areas. Most houses, 67%, have earthen floors while 30 % have cemented floors. Housing types are primarily determined by various factors including availability and cost of construction materials, weather and cultural/religious believes in the regions. In the rural areas, houses are simple and small in sizes, generally 1 to 3 rooms per unit. On the other hand, Swahili houses, bungalows, mansionettes and flats are very common. However, presence of shanties is very common in the urban areas.

Roads, Transport, and Public Works

Department Mandate is to Develop and Manage County Roads, Manage Public Works Services, and Offer Consultancy Services to Residents of Kilifi County. The department works towards a vision of being safe, secure, and efficient road network, transportation system and quality works for prosperity.  Kilifi County has a road network of 101,000 km (out of which one (1) road is Class A Bitumen Trunk Road of 115.4Kms, one (1) Class A7 Bitumen National Road of 168.6 Kms, five (5) roads Class C Bitumen Primary Roads of 219.3 Kms, Class D gravel Secondary Roads and E earthen minor roads 3000Kms and the rest unclassified. The county has about 40km of rail network, which is part of the Mombasa-Kisumu railway stretch that passes through the county between Mazeras and Samburu. There is one station in Mariakani and another railway terminus in the neighbouring Mombasa County is about 180km Malindi town.

To attain its mission and vision the department has set the following strategic objectives:

  • To provide an effective and efficient logistical support system by maintaining /improving transport, licensing, creation of transport policies and liaising with other players to enforce transport policies to improve service delivery.
  • To provide efficient road networks by opening new roads, maintaining existing ones and upgrading rural roads to ease communication and administration.
  • To facilitate and oversee maintenance of buildings and other public works within the county.
  • To oversee development of designs for public buildings, preparations of bill of quantities for building projects and other public works.
  • To provide fire safety and rescue services within the county.
  • To provide project and contract management services to public projects.

The county boasts of two modern bus terminus in Malindi and Kilifi towns, respectively. There are other middle level bus/matatu Parks in Mariakani and Kaloleni. The construction of Mtwapa ultra-modern bus/Matatu Park in Kilifi South Sub- County is underway. In the future, the county will develop bus/matatu parks at Watamu, Kwachocha, Matsangoni, Tezo, Mavueni and Gongoni. The county is considering construction of marshalling yards for lorries and trucks in the suburb and peri-urban areas of Malindi, Mtwapa, Kilifi and Mariakani towns.

Marine Transport

The County has a total of five jetties located at Mtwapa, Kilifi, Ngomeni, Malindi and Takaungu. Takaungu has excellent natural harbor conditions and adequate land for the development of either a fishing port or a feeder port to the port of Lamu. The Kenya Ports Authority has already expressed interest to develop the Takaungu port for the offloading of cargo from Ships that dock at Lamu Port situated about 200 km North of Malindi. Ngomeni is another natural harbour in the centre of the coastline with potential to develop as a third port of Kenya and possibly a Special Economic Zone. The Port is currently handling about 550MT of fish, which is about 1,500kg per day. It also handles about 1,500 MT of coastal trade merchandise comprising various goods. Potential for another small port is also found in Kilifi bay, which is currently already being used for water sports with a hotel anchorage. Its jetty also handles fish at approximately 260MT per year, with marina facilities for tourists. Malindi also has a port that consists of a pier in sound condition, used as a landing site in the unsheltered sea mainly serving the local fish industry. There is a jetty for fish landing on the beach handling approximately 1,250MT per year and 8000 tourist boat moves. In this regard the County will in collaboration with Kenya Ports Authority (KPA) and other partners explore possibilities developing some of these facilities into full-fledged ports. Additionally, the County has and will explore the competitive advantage of developing passenger ferry services to Lamu and Mombasa, an initiative with the potential of easing pressure off the main Mombasa-Malindi-Lamu highway.

The department has so far achieved the following

  1. The department has provided efficient and effective road networks by opening new roads, maintaining existing ones and upgrading access roads to ease communication and administration.
  2. Implementation of agenda 4 enablers such as;
  3. Construction of roads
  4. Culverting of roads
  5. Construction of bridges

The department has enhanced the implementation of policies, legislation, programs and activities that promote national values and principles of governance such as;

  1. Involving stakeholders in project identification and implementation to enhance transparency and accountability.
  2. Construction of roads in marginalized areas such as Ganze
  3. The department has addressed existing and emerging security challenges by ensuring that there is provision of road furniture.
  4. The department has developed designs for public buildings, preparation of bill of quantities for building projects and other public works. It has also provided project and contract management services to public projects.
  5. Fire safety and rescue services have been provided to the public.

There are several investment opportunities in the department including the following:


There is a lack of a port to serve Kilifi and its environs despite the county boasting of the longest shoreline amongst all the coastal counties.


There is a lack of inter-county sea transport. Kilifi is endowed with the longest shoreline that can be harnessed to provide alternative transport in terms of cruise ship.


There is lack of established water transport for waterfront communities and others seeking alternative cheap means transport.


Lack of facility to handle repairs/services of ships, container, cleaning and building of boats.

Public Service, Finance and Economic Planning

The County Public Service Board is charged with the responsibility of recruiting and evaluating the performance of county personnel who will be responsible for the implementation of the CIDP. IMPLEMENTATION FRAMEWORK.
The County Budget and Economic Forum (CBEF)
The County Budget and Economic Forum (CBEF) is established under Section 137(1) of the Public Finance Management Act 2012 to provide a platform for consultations by the County government on matters relating to budgeting, the economy, and financial management at the county level.

  • The department has a mandate to:
  • Mobilize financial resources
  • Manage County public finances and other Assets
  • Coordinate County development planning and economic policy management
  • Provide advisory services on public financial management

The County Treasury.

The County Treasury is established under Section 103(1) of the PFMA, 2012 and is charged with the responsibility of monitoring, evaluating, and overseeing the management of public finances and economic affairs of the county government. It comprises the County Executive Committee Member for Finance, the Chief Officer for Finance, and the departments of the County Treasury responsible for financial and fiscal matter.

Health, and Sanitation

Kilifi County Government is committed to implementing Universal Health Coverage as one of the big Four Government Agenda. Universal Health coverage is an integral part of the country’s efforts to attain the desired status of health as elaborated in Kenya Health Policy 2014-2030. Universal Health coverage within Kilifi County will ensure that the Kilifi community receives quality promotive, preventive, curative, and rehabilitative health services without suffering financial hardship.
The County has made considerable investment to improve the overall health service delivery environment by taking various steps to strengthen infrastructural facilities, overall coordination and standard operating procedures. The County now has 116 health facilities (4 Hospitals, 14 Health Centres and 97 Dispensaries) under various stages of infrastructural strengthening. At least 26 incomplete Dispensaries started with CDF and LATF funding have been completed. Two hundred medical staff cutting across cadres were employed. This is geared towards reducing the gaps in the staffing levels to improve efficiency and effectiveness in health care service delivery.
To improve the health facilities capacity and to increase access to specialized diagnostic health care, the following equipment was procured: Physio/Occupational/Orthopedic Equipment, Renal Dialysis, CT Scan and Digital X-ray Machines, Laboratory Equipment, X-ray Machine, 2 Dental Chairs, 4 Operating Tables (for Rabai, Bamba, Jibana and Mariakani), anesthetic machines and assorted theatre equipment. Further, the department procured the following equipment 12 baby incubators, 80 delivery beds, 120 patient beds and mattresses, 20 stethoscopes, 20 baby weighing scales, 20 adult weigh scales, 20 suction machines, 20 wheel chairs. 40 office tables, 80 office chairs, 40 screens and 40 drug cabinets. This equipment has facilitated the operationalization of completed stalled health facilities. As a strategy to improve the availability of Pharmaceuticals and non-Pharmaceuticals and other related commodities, a county warehouse at Kilifi County Hospital has been constructed. To cater for staff welfare and improve health care service delivery, staff houses were constructed in the following locations: Mtepeni, Kiwandani, Mtwapa, Jila, Uwanja wa ndege and Ndatani Dispensaries.

The department has established the following units/ programs to control the sector

  1. Health Services Administration
  2. Public Health
  3. Malaria Prevention & Control
  4. Child Health
  5. Health Management & Information System | M&E
  6. Human Resource Management
  7. Immunization Program
  8. Reproductive, Maternal, Neonatal, Child & Adolescent Health
  9. Human Nutrition
  10. Neglected Tropical Prevention & Control
  11. School Health & Community Led Total sanitation
  12. Disease Surveillance & Control
  13. Community Health services
  14.  HIV/AIDS Prevention & Control
  15. Pharmaceutical & Non – Pharmaceuticals
  16. Diagnostic Laboratory services
  17. Rehabilitation Services
  18.  Health Promotion

It has also found out investment opportunities to enhance health in the county

  • Use of Technology to improve Diagnosis and treatment Outcomes
  • Community Health Services
  • Automation of the Department of Health Business Processes including Health Service Delivery
  • Health Services Referral System
  • Emergence & Critical Health Care
  • Medical Tourism


Last Update: November 20, 2021
November 18, 2021 1043 DEBORAHKilifi County
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