Education ICT and Human Resource Development
The department plays a critical role in early childhood education development and creation of industry workforce through ECDE and Vocational training services. It is also charged with the development of the County’s ICT infrastructure as well as Human resource Development.
The department has a vision to be a leading services provider in education, training, ICT and social services, and a mission to improve the well-being of Kisumu residents through effective implementation of policies, efficient use of resources and delivery of quality services.
The department’s mandate
- Developing the framework and policies guiding early childhood education.
- Promoting vocational training education.
- Capacity building of the youth, women and persons with disability and mainstreaming their involvement in governance and social issues.
- Coordinating social services including management of safe houses for disadvantaged girls.
- Spearheading automation and digitization within the county as well as determining county ICT requirements
Sector Composition
The department has five directorates:
- Early Childhood Development Education (ECDE)
- Vocational Training (VTCs)
- Information Communication and Technology,
- Women, Youth and Persons with Disability (PWD) and the Directorate of Social Services
Scholarship and Bursary
Allocation of Ksh 205M to 1,260 scholarship students and 32,143 bursary beneficiaries from all the 35 wards in Kisumu County totaling 33,403 beneficiaries in the financial year 2019/2020, a double increase compared to the allocation and disbursement for the Financial Year 2018/2019 that was at Ksh 140M covering 1,190 Scholarship Students and 18,734 Bursary beneficiaries from all the Wards totaling to 19,924 beneficiaries.
Early Childhood Development Education (ECDE)
- Furniture supply
- Provision of Teaching and Learning Materials [24,459 text books and 130,820 exercise books worth KShs. 25,000,000 in the 2019/20 financial year].
- The County school feeding program [A total of 3,996 bags of rice and 1,350 units of 10-litre Jerrycans cooking oil in the last Financial Teacher recruitment]
- monitoring and capacity building and sanitation
- Appraised and promoted 733 teachers
- Facilitated training for 78 teachers in the Competency Based Curriculum.
- Offers programs meant to equip graduates with quality and relevant skills
- The county has a total of 21 operational vocational training centers / Village polytechnics, with a total enrollment of approximately 1500 students, plans to register 5 more training centers.
- Increased enrolment in VTCs by 27% from 2575 to 3269 trainees
- The total number of instructors is 57 against the expected number of 184 instructors. This implies that there is a serious personnel deficit of instructors.
- Other Vocational Training Centers yet to be registered and operationalized include: Withur, Kochogo, Kandaria, Obwolo and Kiancha.
- County VTCs are funded by both County and National Grants.
Administratively, these services are offered to the end users based on the following fronts: Network and Infrastructure Component, Systems Development, Deployment and Integration Component, Help-Desk Support and User Training, Disaster recovery, Backups and Data Custody.
- The directorate rolled out a structured Local Area Network (LAN) at the county headquarters,
- Design, developed and maintenance of the county website
- implemented a tier 3 data center in partnership with non-state actors
- partnered with the ICT Authority (ICTA) of Kenya and trained youths on digital skills
Focuses on building capacity within the county workforce to ensure result-oriented staff that can realize quality service delivery
Women, Youth and PWDS
To champion the advancement of the most disadvantaged groups of our society. The department promote the dignity of the most vulnerable group by taking all measures to accelerate their full participation in the socio-economic activities.
The sector is also responsible for advancing gender equality and the course of Women in the community.
Achievements include:
- Executed a Gender Mainstreaming Workshop for staff & Stakeholders
- Published a Sexual Gender Based Violence Policy Paper, 2019 in partnership with Kisumu Medical and Education Trust (KMET), Family Health Options Kenya (FHOK), NIGEE and Plan International.
- Production of a Gender Mainstreaming Policy Paper ready for Public Participation 2020
- Published a Youth Policy Paper in 2018
- Drafted a Gender strategic plan review 2018-2022
- Drafted a Youth Action Plan.
- Establishment of the Gita Gender Based Violence unit
- A total of 124 PWDs have been employed by the County Government in various departments.
- 43 of the companies doing business with the County Government of Kisumu are registered and owned by PWDs
- The sector has been focusing on various interventions initiated in collaboration with the National to support deserving vulnerable members of society.
These include
the establishment of Consolidated Social Protection Fund established through cash transfer interventions (Cash Transfer to the Older Persons (CT-OP), Cash Transfer to the severely Disabled Persons and the Urban Food Subsidy) in addition to the Cash Transfer program to Orphans and Vulnerable Children (CT-OVC) established in 2004 and National Fund for Persons with Disabilities (PWDs).
To cushion the most vulnerable in the society so as to enhance the capacity of the poor and vulnerable, and enhance integration and inclusion of the vulnerable people in community development.
- Sponsored 8 County Staffs for Kenya Sign Language Course in 2018 & 2019.
- Provision of parenting skills training in Seme Sub-County in partnership with Family Health Options Kenya (FHOK) and Plan international.
- Mentored 1,750 vulnerable girls in all the 35 wards through Girl Child Mentorship Program
- Distributed 18,000 sanitary towels to vulnerable girls, in all the 35 wards.
- Gender Action Plan draft in partnership with Kenya Female Advisory Organization (KEFEADO) and Plan International.
Water, Environment, Natural Resources, and Climate Change
The department has the vision to be a county with a Clean, Healthy Environment, Climate Resilient and Water Secure for all and a mission of enhancing Access to Safe and Healthy Environment, Climate resilience and Sustainable Water Supply through participatory and Multi- sectorial Approach
Sector Composition
- Water and Sewerage Services
- Water Infrastructure
- Environment Conservation and Stewardship
- Environmental Research, Policy and Strategy
- Climate Change
Core Mandate
The department is responsible for efficient, economic provision of water services within its area of jurisdiction by:
- Ensuring that the people of Kisumu County have access to durable and safe water.
- Developing new water infrastructure, Rehabilitation and augmentation of existing water supplies
- Capacity building members of water management Committees for sustainable management of the projects.
- Developing policies for efficient and effective water service provision in the County.
Environment and Natural Resources
- Solid waste management
- Afforestation, Reforestation; Re-vegetation and beautification of urban and public places
- Conservation and rehabilitation of degraded landscapes
- Noise and air pollution control
- Enforcement and environmental governance processes
- Community Education for sustainable environmental management
- Policy, Research and Strategies development of environmental management and governance
Climate Change
- strengthening community and institutional capacity for adaptation and mitigation;
- Climate change governance, administration and planning;
- Climate change information services and advocacy,
- Developing partnerships in climate change research, innovation and development projects.
Sector Achievements
Flagship Projects in Water Sub Sector
- God Nyithindo Water Project in Muhoroni sub-county serving approximately 1000 people.
- Eshuvalu Water Project in Kisumu West sub-county serving approximately 10,000 people
- Pala Angoro Water Supply in Nyando Sub-County serving two villages, Pala and Angoro in Awasi Onjiko Ward with approximated 240 households.
- Simba Gero Water Project in Seme Sub-County, developed in Seme Sub County to augment the Kisumu rural water supply, serving three villages of Simba Gero, Kamolo A and Konjula A in East Seme Ward with approximated 300 households
Collaboration with Partners in Water Sub Sector
- Chuth Ber Community Water Project Supported by Safe Water and AIDS Project (SWAP) benefits approximately 700 households living around Chuth Ber Market.
- Nyahera Mkendwa Water Project Supported by KIWASH. The project is located in Gee village of North Kisumu ward of Kisumu West Sub County, to serve about 2400 households of Gee area and entire Kisumu North ward
- Sondu Miriu Right Bank Water Project Supported by KIWASH. The project is serving approximately 1,000 households.
- Ochat Water Supply and Sanitation Project Supported by Living Water Center serving approximately 1,000 households.
The Environmental and Natural Resources Management and Climate Change Sub Sector
- 150,000 tree seedlings production center at Menara tree nursery, as one of the flagship projects for the sub sector.
- Established 30,000 tree seedlings at karanda Primary School in Ahero
- Established 6000 bamboo seedlings at the ASK Mamboleo showground
- Developed Kisumu County Climate Change policy
- The process of establishment of Waste transfer stations in the sub counties is achieved
Sector Plans
- To complete the 400m3 distribution tank being built at Sigoti Health Centre
- The development of a Waste to Energy facility in Achuodho Kasese area has started and the County plans to expand the facility to a full-fledged waste-to- energy plant through Public Private partnership
- To establish three waste transfer stations in Nyando, Muhoroni and Kisumu West sub counties. These will in enable segregation near source of production and creating employment for entrepreneurs in the waste sector.
- Initiated a process of gazettement of mini water towers from a select group of hills in Kisumu County. Koguta hills, Karateng hills, Nyatigo, Kajulu and Koru hills have been proposed in a strategy to enhance forest cover in Kisumu County.
- The Sustainable Energy Access and Climate Action Plan (SEACAP) – The project grant was signed on 8th June 2020, will assist the County Government of Kisumu in mainstreaming climate change into the County development policies.
Health and Sanitation
The Kisumu County Health Sector Strategic direction is to realign the ministry’s efforts from treatment to prevention. The county focuses on eradicating poor sanitation by working with various ministries and departments to achieve a holistic promotive and preventive approach.
The Department of Health and Sanitation is responsible for the County health services including;
- County health facilities and pharmacies;
- Ambulatory services;
- Promotion of primary health care;
- Licensing and control of undertakings that sell food to the public;
- Veterinary services (excluding regulation of the profession);
- Cemeteries, funeral parlors and crematoria;
- Refuse removal, refuse dumps and solid waste disposal
The department has a vision to be a dynamic, excellent, and globally competitive county health services, that contribute to a healthy and productive population, and a mission to transform the livelihood of the people of Kisumu County through responsive and sustainable technologically-driven evidence-based and client centered health system for accelerated attainment of highest standards of health. It has a goal to attain equitable, affordable, accessible and quality health care for the people of Kisumu.
Strategic Objectives of the Sector
The Kisumu County Health Sector has adopted the national health policy framework strategic objectives as listed below:
- Eliminate communicable conditions – the health sector will achieve through strengthening community linkages and health care workers to be able to deal with major public health concerns.
- Halt, and reverse the rising burden of non-communicable conditions – by setting clear strategies for implementation to address all the identified non-communicable conditions in the country.
- Reduce the burden of violence and injuries through directly putting in place strategies that address each of the causes of injuries and violence at the time.
- Provide essential healthcare services – that are affordable, equitable, accessible and responsive to client needs.
- Minimize exposure to health risk factor – by strengthening the health promoting interventions, which address risk factors to health.
- Strengthen collaboration with private and other sectors that have an impact on health – to improve health outcomes through partnership with other stakeholders.
The objective of the Directorate of Public Health
To provide equitable, high quality, effective and efficient healthcare that is affordable and contributes to the overall wellbeing and productivity of the residents of Kisumu County
Objective of the Directorate of Strategy, Policy, Planning and Resource Mobilization
To provide evidence-based and timely strategies, policies plans and mobilize resources to support equitable public health services in Kisumu County
The key six pillars of health:
- Eliminate communicable conditions;
- Halt and reverse the rising burden of non-communicable conditions;
- Reduce the burden of violence and injuries;
- Provide essential health services;
- Minimize exposure to health risk factor;
- Strengthen collaboration with health-related sectors
Kisumu County Health and Sanitation Department is divided into two Sub Sectors. These are: Medical and Bio-medical Service and Public Health and Sanitation, each with well-defined unit.
- Medical and Biomedical Services
- Nursing
- Emergency referral services
- Specialized medical services
- Laboratory Service
- Nutrition
- Pharmacy
- Diagnostic imaging
- Forensic pathology services
- Physiotherapy
- Rehabilitation services
- Environmental health and sanitation
- Nutrition and dietetics
- HIV/AIDS control
- Malaria control
- TB control
- Disease surveillance and response
- Monitoring and evaluation
- Health promotion
- Primary health services
- Community Health Services
- Family health
The Community Health services is designed for each Community Unit to be attached to a link facility in order for the CHVs to seek technical guidance from trained health professions and also refer their community members to the health facility for ailments that cannot be managed at home. Each community unit serves a population of approximately 5,000 people and covered by not less than 10 community health volunteers (CHVs). Currently partners cater for stipends for 30% of the CHVs.
- Provision of stipends to the 3,100 CHWs
- training of CHWs on Basic and Advanced Community Health Strategy Modules.
- 1,500 community health workers kits (including basic ailment diagnostics, treatment and follow up)
Facilities, Equipment and delivery system
- Established 21 hospitals and 149 primary health
- Construction and renovation of health facilities resulting to 34 hospitals (62% public) and 176 primary health care facilities (50% public) care facilities (level II and III).
- Operationalization of surgical services at Kombewa, Ahero and Muhoroni County Hospitals
- Equipping Lumumba and Kisumu County Hospital Maternity Wing.
- A total of 20 ambulances, distributed across the Sub-Counties and major facilities, of these 8 were purchased in the ended FY 2019/20. Ten of these ambulances are fully equipped with ICU equipment such as Oxygen supply, ECG machines, Spinal boards, Transport ventilators, Suction Units and nebulizers that can support an emergency situation for eight hours.
- 10 state of the art diagnostic sets (clinic in a bag) for 7 County Hospitals (Kombewa, Ahero, Muhoroni, Nyakach, Kisumu County Referral Hospital, Chulaimbo, Gitta and 3 Sub-Sub County Hospitals – Manyuanda , Katito and Rabuor.
- Seven adjustable delivery Beds for all the Sub-County Hospitals
- Three Coagulation machines for (JOOTRH, Kisumu County Hospital and Chulaimbo County Hospital)
- Three Portable Ultrasound Machines for Masogo, Gita and Katito Sub-County Hospitals.
- Three Hematology Analyzer for Muhoroni, Nyakach, Chulaimbo SC and Kombewa County Hospitals Kisumu.
- Formulation and Implementation of the Departmental strategic plans
Health Workforce
- Facilitated 19 Healthcare workers including doctors for specialized training in areas including Surgery, Pediatrics, Internal Medicine and Oncology.
- Employed additional 250 Healthcare workers across cadres to support the existing workforce and improve access and quality of care towards UHC
- Promoted all eligible Healthcare workers to the correct Job Groups
- The current Doctor – population ratio is 1:44,634 and Nurse – population ratio is 1:2,383 against the recommended WHO standard Doctor and nurse Population ratio of 1:1000 and 3:1000 respectively.
The Kisumu County Department of Health & Sanitation has structured health service delivery system to provide promotive, preventive, curative, rehabilitative and palliative care services through the different levels called entities with heterogeneous mandates and levels of specializations.
- Provision of PPEs to health workers
- Establishment of the isolation centers across the county
- Equipping isolation facilities
- Additional workforce to support in COVID -19 pandemic response and containment measures
- Successful piloting of the UHC
- Operationalization of surgical services at Kombewa, A hero and Muhoroni County Hospitals
- Premier piloting of the Kisumu Indiginous Health Insurance Scheme
- Formulation and Implementation of the Departmental strategic plans
- Established and operationalization of Kisumu County Health Bill 2019 UHC
- Successful piloting of the Universal Health Coverage from December 2018 to December 2019
- Premier piloting of the Kisumu Indiginous Health Insurance Scheme dubbed “Marwa“
- UHC registered more than 100% households in Kisumu (971,643 residents ~85% residents of Kisumu
Agriculture, Irrigation, Livestock, and Fisheries
The department has a vision to be food and nutrition secure county, and a mission of Promoting innovative, commercially oriented and modern agriculture in Kisumu County.
It is divided into the following sectors
- Agriculture
- Irrigation
- Livestock
- Fisheries
Main Crops Produced
The total acreage under food and cash crops is estimated at 26,865 acres and 25,815 acres respectively. The main crops grown for subsistence include beans, maize, sorghum, finger millet, potatoes, groundnuts, kales and cotton. The main cash crop grown in the county issugarcane while some rice growing is practiced along Rivers Nyando and Awach, Chemelil, Miwani and Kibos. Generally, farmers are faced with many challenges which include; highcost of inputs, flooding, unpredictable rainfall/ low rainfall in some areas, weak marketingchannels and crop diseases and pests.
Acreage under Food Crops and Cash Crops
62.10% of all households in Kisumu County depend on crop farming as a source of income. With a county household density of 107.8 per sq. km., much of this agricultural activity ispractised on small parcels of land. The main (cash and food) crops grown include beans,maize, tea, sorghum, finger millet, potatoes, pyrethrum, sugarcane, ground-nuts, kales and cotton. Rice is grown under 2,000 ha. at the Ahero Irrigation Scheme in Nyando Constituency. Rice is also grown on a smaller scale at the Kabonyo Irrigation Scheme in Nyando Constituency. Sugar cane is grown extensively in Muhoroni and parts of Nyando Constituencies and is indeed the most important cash crop of the two areas. Most production (90%) is grown on small scale farms, with smaller amounts on nucleus estates around the cane factories
Agriculture & Irrigation
- Provision of Advisory Services in Agriculture,
- Improvement of agricultural productivity and output
- Enhancement of agricultural credit and input
- Development of horticulture value chains
- Promotion of sustainable land use
Livestock & Fisheries
Main Livestock Bred
The main livestock bred in the county include; dairy cattle, beef cattle, pigs, goats, sheep, poultry, rabbits and beekeeping. On overall, 92.5 per cent of households rear chicken,47.3 per cent keep cattle, 38.7 per cent and 23.6 per cent keep goats and sheep respectively. The most common livestock kept in the large-scale commercial farms are dairy and beef cattle, goat and sheep.
The sectors mandate
- Livestock, Fisheries, pest and disease control,
- Development of dairy value chains,
- Promotion of market access and products development
Main fishing activities, Types of fish produced, Landing sites
Fishing is one of the key economic activities in Kisumu County. Most of the fish harvesting takes place in Lake Victoria. With the advent of fish ponds, households are investing in the ponds and there are over 1,330 fish ponds in the county. Overall, there are 3,275 fishermen and 189 fish farm families in the county. The fish produced include; Rastrineobola argentea (Omena), Tilapia, Nile perch, among others. The fishing gear used includes fishing nets, hooks, traps and motor boats. Kisumu County has the following beaches: Kaloka Beach, Ndere Island, Kisumu Port, Dunga Beach, Sango Beach and Kusa Beach
Sector Achievements
- Food Security: distributed 560 kg rice seeds for 280 acres,350 bags of CAN, 350 DAP and 325 bags of urea fertilizer, 1660kg of hybrid maize seeds and 2000 (20gm) sachets of assorted vegetables.
- The Department purchased and distributed 24 dairy cows, 129 dairy goats and 93 Galla bucks, 7,969 improved Kienyeji chicks, 1,000 broilers, pasture & fodder seeds to 500 households across the county.
- A total of KShs.51, 000,000 was given out to groups engaged in local chicken, sorghum and cassava value chains in Kisumu east, Nyando and Nyakach sub-counties.
- Towards mitigation climate change and promote diversification of incomes300,000 Cassava cuttings, 6600 Improved Mango seedlings, and 6600 avocado seedlings have been distributed across the county.
- A total of 52,522 animals and 20,636 dogs & cats were vaccinated across the county.
- A total of 222 dairy goats and 8000 improved day-old chicken have been distributed and livestock disease surveillance and vaccination to control disease outbreak enhanced
- The County Government has partnered with the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) to establish a toll-free Farmers Call Center to allow farmers receive virtual extension services, advisory services and market information.
- Completed two fish bandas at Rari and Mawembe Beach in Kisumu West to reduce post-harvest losses.
- Ten Fisheries Extension Officers across the 7 Sub- Counties in Kisumu have been trained on Aquaculture Farmer Field School Methodology
- Developed and ratified Community Integrated Action Plans (CIAPs) that prioritized development projects in KCSAP wards; election and training of Community Driven Development Committees (CDDCs) at ward level to spearhead implementation of KCSAP projects.
Sector Plans
- Kisumu has been picked among other counties to benefit from an ambitious World Bank funded aquaculture program aimed at boosting the fisheries sector.
- The County Government commissioned the first batch of agricultural items and seedlings to kick off the economic recovery program. The items commissioned include rice seeds, fruit tree seedlings, vegetable seeds, cereal seeds (maize, beans and green gram, and cowpeas), irrigation equipment’s, and one day old chicken all valued at Ksh. 13,000,000 to benefit over 10,000 smallholder farmers.
- Through the Covid 19 Fund Management Committee, the department of Agriculture, Irrigation, Fisheries and Livestock Development received 8,400,000 to address Food Security and Nutrition in the Covid and Post Covid 19 Recovery Responses.
- Through the State Department of Crops Development and Agriculture Research, the County Government received 20.8 Metric Tons of certified rice seeds valued at Ksh 4,800,000 to plant 2,600 acres of rice.
Tourism, Arts, Culture, and Sports
The county lies in the Western Kenya tourism circuit. The region has tourist attractions sites around the lake. The western tourist circuit is well served by national and international trunk roads as well as Kisumu International Airport which has been expanded and improved to
international standards so as to accommodate larger planes. The department has a vision to be the leading tourism, culture, arts and sports destination in the country and mission to be a county offering high quality tourism, culture, arts and sports facilities, products and services capable of competing on the global stage
Tourism Subsector
Main Wildlife
The main wildlife in the county are silver-backed jackals, leopards, baboons, ostriches, hyena, guinea fowls, duikers, lion, impalas, vervet monkeys, bird species, sitatungas, crocodiles, pythons, monitor lizards, hippos, among others.
Tourism Subsector Mandate
- Tourism Marketing and Development
- Tourism Product Development and Management
- Tourism Policy and Standards;
- Development and Promotion of Tourism;
- Tourism Research and Monitoring;
- Protection of Tourism and Regulation;
- Tourism Financing;
- Training on Tourism Services;
- Marketing of Kisumu County for local and International Tourist
- Training and Capacity for Tourism stakeholders
- Tourism signature products development
- Lakefront development
- Development of tourism site master plan
Culture Subsector
- Culture and Heritage Development
- Artistic Talent Development
- County Talent identification
- Conservation of culture heritage sites
- Documentation and preservation of Luo culture
- Construction and equipping cultural resource centers
Sports Subsector
- Sports Management
- Development standard sports facilities
- Setting up Sports Talents Academies in conjunction with National Government and satellite centers
- Sports Facilities Management
- Talent Identification and Development
- Capacity building for Sports Administrators and Technical Officials
- Athlete supports and transition management
- Development of sports for PWDs
- Development of sports and sports related materials
- Organizing sports conferences for professional dev
Directorate of Tourism and Wildlife
Sector Achievements
- Boat race
- National conversations
- Tourism destination marketing
- Maseno equator point
- Partnership and networks
- MICE destination
Directorate of Sports and Talent Development
- Sports for Persons with Disabilities
- County teams’ performance
- Representation in the National Teams
- Hosting Sports Events
- Partnerships
- Support for County teams and clubs
Department achievement
- Inscription of rituals and practices associated with Kit Mikayi shri
- Jumuiya Ya Afrika Mashariki Utamaduni Festival (Jama Fest
- Equipping of Katito Community Cultural Center
- Equipping of Kanyakwar Community Cultural Cente
- Kenya Music and Cultural Festival
- The 17th edition Cinema damare Africa Chapter 2019
Energy and Industrialization
The department has a vision of being a county with accessible, affordable energy and sustainable innovative industrial enterprises for improved livelihood of Kisumu County Residents and a mission to provide sustainable, accessible, efficient, effective and ennovative services for the growth and development of energy and industry within Kisumu County.
The sector has the following divisions:
- Petroleum and Electricity
- Renewable Energy
- Industrialization & Investments
- Special Economic Zone & Vision 2030
1) The petroleum and electricity sector
It has the mandate to facilitate production and access to affordable, reliable, and sustainable energy for both domestic and industrial use.
- Implemented floodlights in various market centers, beaches and other public utility areas and collaborated with the national government to achieve street lighting targets within the Kisumu City CBD and the satellite towns including Muhoroni, Nyakach, Ahero, Maseno and Sondu. To date 145 floodlights have been installed across the county in markets centers, county institutions and Public utility areas.
- Formulated draft Sustainable Energy policy.
- Collaborated with EPRA to do LPG and Retail Petroleum stations licensing.
- Conducted Annual energy audits in six (6) Health facilities in collaboration with KAM( 2 with KAM and 4 done by the department)
2). Renewable Energy
The department promotes development and use of renewable energy sources and advocates for facilitation of scaling up of clean cooking mechanisms and fuels in Kisumu County through promotion and expedition of enabling policies, creating public awareness and capacity building of sector players.
- Establishment of Avocado processing plant which is ongoing.
- Start of a mobile phone and electronic assemble plant in the 2020/21 financial year.
- In partnership with Kisumu Polytechnic and Agricultural Food Authority (AFA) on the establishment of a textile industry at the school promoting cotton growth in the region.
- The department has so far distributed of 930 solar lanterns, 280 bio-ethanol cook stoves, implemented Solar Water heating facility and developed RFP on renewable energy (solar) for off grid-use. It is also in process of establishing a regional bio-energy centre that will act as its outreach arm on matters of Green Energy.
Industrialization and Investment
- Establishment of the avocado processing plant which is on going
- In partnership with Kisumu polytechnics and Agriculture food Authority (AFA) a construction of a textile industry at Kisumu Polytechnic is on going.
- Starting a mobile phone and electronic as sample plant which has started.
3). Special Economic Zone & Vision 2030
- Creation of an enabling environment inside and outside of the zones.
- Development of integrated infrastructure facilities.
- Creation of incentives for effective facilitation of economic and business activities by SEZ Enterprise.
- Removal of impediments to economic or business activities undertaken by SEZ Enterprises.
- Establishment of business incubation center in line with the CIDC and has completed one at Akado.
- Vision 2030 Secretariat in partnership with the county has embarked on an aggressive effort to establish a Special Economic Zone in Miwani Ward which is expected to create about two million jobs and contribute towards the transformation of the county’s economic base.
Physical Planning, Land and Urban Development
The department has five directorates which include directorate of land administration, directorate of survey, directorate of physical planning, directorate of urban development and directorate of housing.
The department is under the leadership of the minister of lands, housing, physical planning and urban development.
- Land administration, survey and physical planning
- Housing and urban development
The two sectors have a vision to be a sustainable land management, decent housing, planned urban and rural development for all in Kisumu County and mission to facilitate coordinated rural and urban development through efficient, fair, equitable use and sustainable land use management and promote decent housing for the residents of Kisumu County.
To promote and support the growth and development of an equitable, competitive and sustainable land administration, housing development, physical planning and urban development sectors in addition to enhancing and contribution for priorities in Kisumu
Strategic Objectives:
- Formulating County policies, strategies and programmes on Lands, Housing Physical planning and Urban Development in line with national and global policies, laws and regulations
- Formulation of spatial and integrated plans to guide effective and inclusive development in the county
- Promote and facilitate decent and safe housing.
- Ensuring compliance to laws, regulations and standards for an effective land management and sustainable development.
- Monitoring, evaluating and coordinating county lands, housing and urban development initiatives
- Gazettement and establishment of 5 new towns of Ahero, Maseno, Kombewa, Katito and Muhoroni. So far two towns have been unveiled (Maseno and Ahero)
- Acquisition of land for waste management purpose is now completed. The department has secured 85acres of land in Sidho for use in modern waste management. The facility will take and manage all the wastes both from the city and all urban centers within the county thereby ensuring healthy clean environment within the urban setups.
- The valuation roll which is the most important document in guiding own source revenue generation and which has been under development for the past four years, has been completed and handed over to the governor.
It is a directorate headed by Dir. Nelson Mandela
The directorate is charged with acquisition, securing and management of county lands.
The directorate is also at the forefront of actualizing the vision of industrialization and development of modern physical infrastructure
- To maintain a secure and accessible database for all county land resources
- Purchase and establishment of the county land bank
- Securing of community and public land
- Process and acquisition of legal documentation for the county owned land / projects
- Operationalization of GIS Lab
- Operationalization and updating of the Valuation roll
- Development of Land Information Management System
The directorate helps the public with issues of resolution of boundary disputes and general boundary demarcation. Also does survey of market centers for purposes of ascertaining plot boundaries and location of extents of infrastructure installation.
- To identify, survey and protect public land
- Conducting of surveys
- Boundary demarcation and beaconing
- Boundary conflicts resolution
- Re-establishment of urban / market centers boundaries
- Creation of geodetic control points within the county.
- To promote coordinated, orderly, inclusive, climate smart and resilient urban development
- Development control
- Inclusive economically viable, and climate resilient urban development and renewal
- Establishment of town administration structures
- Carrying out research to inform development
- Advisory plans for markets within the Sub-Counties
- Enhance climate resilient urban development
It’s a directorate charged with managing existing county houses and facilitating investments in housing with special emphasis on affordable housing.
- Objective:
To promote access to safe, decent and affordable housing - Mainstream national and international agenda on housing and human settlements
- Policies to enhance conducive environment for housing investments
- Support private public partnerships in housing development
- Research for innovative and affordable building technologies
- Ensure safe and quality housing
- Maintain and update county housing inventory
- Promote access to housing for County Government Civil Servants
- Redevelopment of old and dilapidated government housing
- Promote informal settlements improvement in the county
The directorate is charged with overseeing physical development plans, monitoring and evaluating status of implementation .
To prepare spatial plans to guide development in the county
- To formulate and update local physical and land use plans
- Development of a GIS enabled County Spatial Plan
- Formulate special area plans to address unique development needs
Finance and Economic Planning
The financial services sector is one of the foundations upon which the achievement of the County Integrated Development Plan II is based and it is a key instrument in facilitating the mobilization of investment funds required to implement the programs and projects identified in the CIDP II. The sector plays a critical role in the development of the County by providing intermediary services to all the departments/sectors within the County. Finance department has six directorates namely: Budget, Revenue, Accounting services, Internal Audit, Assets and debt management and Supply chain management. The sector has a mix of the three cadres of staff; staff from the defunct local authority, seconded staff from National Government and staff recruited by the County Public Service Board. The number and qualifications of the current work force is yet to reach the level prescribed in the established structure.
The Economic Planning and Development sector plays a strategic role in the overall co-ordination of County development planning and budgeting, research and statistics and tracking of development results through a structured monitoring and evaluation framework which provides timely feedback to the citizenry. The sector prepares the Development agenda for a specified period of time, sets goals, objectives, strategies, prioritized programmes and an implementation matrix with outputs and outcomes through enhanced community participation in project identification, implementation and management and enhances networking and collaboration with other development actors.
Through participatory and conventional sector approach planning, the sector takes into consideration competitive demands/ prioritization in allocation of public resources – Economic Growth versus poverty reduction and inequality and designs specific programmes targeting special regions and groups to promote equal access to resources and opportunities and benefits thereof as it addresses disparities between the rich and poor, inequitable distribution of public resources / services between individuals, regions; Rural –urban inequities and income disparities among rural areas and within major cities and towns which would otherwise lead to discontent and slow the development agenda.
Business, Marketing and Cooperatives
The department has vision to be a global competitive, sustainable business and co – operative sector, and a mission to create an enabling environment for the growth sustainable business, enterprise and cooperative sector through appropriate policy, legal and regulatory framework.
Sector Composition
- The Directorate of Alcoholic Beverages, Liquor licensing, Betting and Gaming Control.
- The Directorate of Trade and Enterprise Development.
- The Directorate of Cooperative Development and Marketing.
Core Mandate
The department is mandated to:
The Directorate of Alcoholic Beverages, Liquor licensing, Betting and Gaming Control.
- Protect the health of individuals against excessive drinking.
- Protect the minors (under 18) by preventing their access to alcohol.
- Protect consumers from misleading or deceptive inducements or promotion of Alcoholic drinks.
- Educate citizens on the Economic and Social consequence of alcohol consumption.
- Eliminate illicit trade, manufacturing, and counterfeit alcoholic products.
- Ensure fair and ethical business practices amongst all the players – manufacturing, distributors, wholesalers,
The Directorate of Trade and Enterprise Development.
- Promote business and trade in the county.
The Directorate of Cooperative Development and Marketing.
To oversee:
- Cooperative policy formulation and implementation.
- Cooperative financing policy, legislation and support services.
- Cooperative education and training, governance.
- Promotion of cooperative ventures, production, marketing, value addition and cooperative audit services.
Sector Achievements
- Successfully constituted sub county liquor committees.
- Successfully mapped out licensed liquor outlets within Kisumu County, both complaint and non – complaint liquor outlets.
- Successfully issued license to complaint liquor outlets in Kisumu County through the sub county liquor boards.
- Conducted public education and awareness to outlet owners on the codes of operating the liquor outlets.
- Completed Kombewa modern retail market with a capacity of 143 stalls in Central Seme Ward, Seme Sub – County. This project has improved the environment for the traders and their customers.
- Constructed Pap – Onditi modern retail market in Central Nyakatch ward in Nyakatch Sub County. It has 210 stalls and is currently on course. This will improve the business volumes for traders once completed.
- Constructed Korowe modern retail market with a capacity of 132 stalls in Nyando Sub County, Kobura Ward. This project is complete except for the ablution block, which is currently under construction.
- The Kenya National Highway Authority ( KenNHA) partnered with the County Government to construct the Awasi modern retail market. The project has been completed and has a capacity of 88 stalls inside the market. Available spaces outside the market’s pavement, can also accommodate 112 other small – scale traders.
- The government has constructed nine market sheds at Koru in Muhuroni sub-county, Oboch in Nyalenda ‘B, in Kisumu Central sub-county, Sigoti, Kodong’a, Apoko, Omwonyo Lee in Nyakatch sub-county kobongo Ndori (South West Nyakach), Jua Kali – Nyuki ( Railways ward in Kisumu Cnetral) and Angola Markets in Kisumu East sub-county. Not only were sheds constructed but the general physical outlook of the markets were improved by murraming and fencing.
- Purchased and distributed 10 hatcheries to youth co – operative societies in Kondele Ward in Kisumu Central Sub County.
- Purchased 80 solar kits for youth and women co – operand societies in North Seme and 240 kits for co – operative society members in Kondele Ward in Kisumu East sub county.
- Procured one brick making machine for youth co – operative societies in Nyalenda “A” ward of Kisumu East Sub County.
- Purchased one Lathe machine for youth co – operative societies at Nyalenda “A” ward to promote quality and efffeciency in the Jua – Kali sector.
Public, Works, Roads, and Transport
The department of Roads, Transport and Public works has 3 directorates.
1). Directorate of Roads
Core mandate
To carry out construction, maintenance and rehabilitation of road network.
- Introduction of Road Edge Marker in all Roads under construction within the county to permanently mark the road server boundaries and mitigate on the encroachment of roads by adjacent land owners.
- Re-carpeting of Arina Estate Road in Kisumu Central Sub-county.
2). Directorate of Transport
Is committed to producing quality work in the field of mechanical engineering expertise and transport services Performing activities that will contribute to maintenance and transport technologies.
It has the task to development into an advance center of maintenance and transport by synergizing, repair, training for sustained plant machinery and vehicles availability and reliability to offer services to all citizens of CGK to enjoy a high-quality life and sense of belonging.
- Acquisition of one motor Vader and four motorcycles.
- Refurbishment of 4 plants equipment and machines; Two motor graders and two lorries which were not in operation by putting in new parts and servicing.
- Pre- and post- inspections are currently done by the directorate instead of the Regions Mechanical Engineering office Kisumu. This is saving money which was being paid for the service and reduce delay for maintenance.
3). Directorate of Public Works
To ensure effective and sufficient delivery through;
- Conducting technical assessment for projects in technical groups.
- Design of standard project data collection template.
- Communication to the departments to submit timely requests.
- Mapping out the staffing gaps.
- Acquisition of motorcycles.
- Formation of design teams to manage complex projects/flagship projects.
Core mandate
It is charged with the responsibility of planning, designing, construction, supervision and maintenance of county government assets in built environment.
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