Nyeri County

Department of Education, and Sports

Early Childhood Development Education
The gross enrolment rate in public Early Childhood Development Education centers for the county stands at 59.2 per cent, indicating that there is a large number of children who are not in school despite having a total of 758 centers.
Primary Education
The county has a total enrolment of 141,243 comprising of 72,227 boys and 69,016 girls. Although the net enrolment rate is high at 99 per cent, the county will require additional investment for infrastructural improvement. The completion rate stands at 89.4 per cent while retention and transition stands at 91 and 85 per cent respectively.
Non formal Education
Non-formal education has not been formally rolled out in Nyeri. However, there is great need for the adoption of the same in order to provide education for children who miss out school despite attaining the school going age. These include the children in the streets, children with disabilities among others. The objective of non-formal education is to develop literacy, numeracy, creativity and communication skills. This would also prepare them for joining tertiary education.

Youth polytechnics
There are 49 youth polytechnics with a total population of 3882 trainees. Plans are being put in place towards revitalizing and staffing of the polytechnics across the county and this is expected to enhance enrolment and offer quality courses in the institutions. There is need to introduce new training curriculum to youth polytechnics that are competitive in the job market. This includes entrepreneurial, agri-business, ICT courses among others.
Secondary Education
The county has a secondary school gross enrolment of 31,242 boys and 31,959 girls. The net enrolment rate stands at 95 per cent and it is noted that there is a negligible variance between boys and girls enrolment. The completion rate stands at 86.2 per cent while retention rate is 89 per cent.
Tertiary Education
There are two public universities, one private university campus, three public university campuses, one national polytechnic, one science and technology institute, nine other public colleges, one private accredited college and six private non-accredited colleges.

Adult and Continuing Education
The county has high literacy levels at 91.8 per cent. There are 303 adult education classes with a gross enrolment of 1,885 males and 1,811 females.
Technical, Vocational Education and Training
The Technical, Vocational Education and Training (TVET) in Nyeri County consists of public and private institutions. The public TVET institutions are; one national polytechnic i.e. the Nyeri polytechnic and two technical training institutes namely Mathenge and Mukurweini. The national Government is setting up three new institutions at Mathira, Tetu, and Kieni Constituences. The county hosts a number of private/faith-based TVET institutins such as the Consolata Training Institute and Little Flowers Training Institute among others.

Sports facilities
There are 15 sports facilities across the county. However, the county does not have standard outdoor sports facilities. Therefore, the county endevours to ensure that sports facilities are in usable conditions and measure up to the required standards. The county has partinered with Sports Kenya to renovate Ruring’u stadium to international standard.

Agriculture, Livestock, and Fisheries

Main crops produced
The main food crops grown in the county are maize, beans, irish potatoes and vegetables whereas the major cash crops are coffee, tea and horticulture. Tea is grown in the upper zonenext to Aberdare’s and the Mt. Kenya forest while coffee is grown in the lower region. Cut flowers are mainly grown in Kieni sub county where there are large land holding sizes.

Main livestock breeds and facilities
The main livestock enterprise is dairy cattle. Other enterprises include poultry, pigs, goats, sheep and donkeys. The land carrying capacity (Livestock per hectare) is five. Bee keeping and other small stock such as rabbits; guinea pigs and quails are also on the increase.Main fishing activities, types of fish produced, landing sites The main fishing activities in the county are fish pond farming, dam and river line fisheries. There were a total of 2,343 households involved in the fishing activities with 2,488 fishponds, by the end of year 2016, spread across the county. The main fish species include tilapia, catfish, and trout.

Agriculture extension, training, research and information services
The County has continued to offer extension services using different approaches such as farmer field schools, field days, group trainings, individual farm visits etc. Capacity building of both farmers and staff has been a priority and this has been done through residential courses and exchange tours. To enhance this the department has collaborated with research institutions such as KARLO Embu and ICIPE on farm trials for best agricultural husbandry practices. Demonstration plots have also been established for different technologies such as green house and drip irrigation. To enhance availability of clean planting materials, such as different types of fodders, sweet potato vines have been established in Kieni East, Kieni West, Mathira West and Wambugu ATC

County Public Service & Solid Waste Management

Solid waste management facilities
The county has a temporary dumpsite at the Asian Quarters in Nyeri town which poses a danger to the immediate estate. Plans are underway to purchase suitable land to relocate the dumpsite to an acceptable site. There are two (2) dumpsite in Karatina and Othaya. However, the unit relies on hired plant equipment for dumpsite management. Medium market centers rely on the limited fleet of vehicles. This occasionally delays collection of solid waste. The ban on use of polythene papers by the National government in October 2017 has significantly improved on solid waste management including clogging of drainage systems. Most of the solid waste is expected to be biodegradable essentially promoting clean environment.

Health Services

Health Access
The distribution of health facilities in six (6) of the sub counties is reasonably fair according to World Health Organization standards. Most of the facilities in the six (6) sub counties are within a radius of 1-5 kilometers. However, in Kieni East and West sub counties which are post-colonial settlements, health facilities are far apart ranging between 5-15 kms. The two sub counties are not served by any public level IV hospital except for Kieni west which is served by one FBO hospital (Mary immaculate) located approximately 15km from Nyeri town and may not be convenient for most of the residents in the two sub counties. Establishment of a level IV facility in Kieni East and West sub counties therefore remains a key priority for the county government.

Health services in Nyeri County are organized across five (5) levels of service delivery that includes 118 public health facilities, including a beyond zero mobile clinic and a hospice for care of the terminally ill distributed as follows: one (1) county referral hospital (level V); four (4) county hospitals (level IV); 25 health centers (level III); 88 dispensaries (level II); 251community units (level I).

Nutritional status
According to KDHS 2014, Nyeri County nutrition status were as follows; stunting (15.1%), underweight (2.5 %) and wasting (2.4 %).

Immunization coverage
In 2017, immunization coverage was at 88.4% with 127 health facilities providing immunization services.

Transport, Public Works, Infrastructure and Energy

The department strives to boost county investment by reducing transport cost on such movement of people and goods to the market. Transport infrastructure is a key ingredient in economic development at all levels of income it also supports personal well-being and spur economic growth.

Road, Rail Network, Airports and Airstrips
The county has 3,092.73 Km of classified roads with 478.25 Km of bitumen, 2,492.85 Km gravel and 121.63 Km earth surface. The table below shows the categories of various roads by surface type since 2013 to date.

Energy access
The county has a total of 208 trading centers and 214 secondary schools connected with electricity. There are also 150 health facilities connected with electricity.

Lands, Physical Planning, Housing and Urban Development

The County Government recognizes that Departments hold a vital key in the implementation of County priority programmes and projects, other national priorities including the “Big Four” Initiatives and in line with this that the department of Lands, Housing, Physical Planning and Urban development was established in order to improve the quality of lives of the people of Nyeri County in matters relating to the mandate vested in the department.

Land ownership categories/ classifications
Most of the land in the county is owned by individuals as freehold and mainly where subsistence
farming practiced. The gazetted forest cover 26 percent of the county land surface while the county and national governments own few tracks of land where offices and social facilities and infrastructure are located.
Mean holding size
The county has a total area of 987.5 Km2 and 758.5 Km2 of arable and non-arable land respectively. The larger part of the arable land is used for food crop while the rest is used for cash crop farming, livestock rearing and farm forestry. The mean holding size is one hectare for majority of the small holders.

The main types of houses in the county are permanent or semi-permanent which are individual, national, and county government-owned. The cost of construction is very prohibitive leading to the presence of informal settlements among the low-income earners in the county. There is need to sensitize the public and investors on alternative and cheap building materials to address the challenges of housing in the county.

Incidences of Landlessness
From the year 2013, the county has embarked on planning of colonial villages. Thunguma, Rititi, Kiamwathi, Miiri, Ihwagi, Gitero, Gikomo / (mweiga), Gitathini, Chorongi, Kiarihiu and Kariki Villages have been surveyed and the exercise will extend to other areas. The county has also issued 269 title deeds for Gatitu, Gitero, Riamukurwe, Muruguru, Kihuyo and Ithenguri villages to create ownership and reduce cases of landlessness.

Settlement Patterns
There are two types of settlements in the county; clustered and scattered. Clustered settlement patterns are mainlyfound around towns and horticulture producing areas. Scattered settlement patterns are mainly found in Kieni which is semi-arid and were formally colonial settlement area. Apart from the major towns the county has witnessed ribbon type of development along the major highways which possess a challenge in service delivery especially in waste management as the centres are poorly planned. Such urban centres include Kiawara, Chaka, and Nairutia among many others.

Type and Size of Land
The type of land in the County is either freehold in rural areas or lease holding in major urban centres. The small size land holding size is approximately one hectare, who are the majority, while the large is about four hectares. The county has a total area of 987.5 Km2 and 758.5 Km2 of arable and non- arable land respectively. The larger part of the arable land is used for food crop while the rest is used for cash crop farming, livestock rearing and farm forestry.

Finance and Economic Planning

The department is responsible for the provision of financial advice and reporting services for all functions within the county.

Other roles include county budget preparation, expenditure management and control, revenue collection and management, management of accounting books and records, cash office management and financial recording. The department also oversees the county procurement services, interprets and implements the procurement Act and other relevant policies.

Sector Objectives

The Mission of the sector is to ensure effective revenue collection and accountability in public expenditure. The key objectives developed for the sector include:

  • To mobilize adequate financial resources to finance the operations of the County Government;
  • To enhance public participation in planning and budget process;
  • To ensure compliance with PFM ACT 2012 on financial budgeting, management and reporting requirements;
  • To upscale the use of integrated financial management information system (IFMIS);
  • Automation of revenue management and other related financial operations.

Sector Strategies The key strategies for the sector include:

  • Prepare and implement revenue enhancement plan;
  • Training and Capacity building for implementation of integrated financial management information system;
  • Automation of revenue management and other related county operations; and
  • Continuous liaison with the National Treasury and Commission of Revenue allocation
  • To improve budgeting process through participatory budgeting.

Water, Irrigation, Environment and Climate Change

Water resources
The county’s water resource comprises of both ground and surface water. Surface water consists of permanent rivers such as Nanyuki, Burguret, Naromoru, Thegu, UwasoNyiro, Karemeno, Rwarai, Gikira, Thuti, Kururu, Muthira, Sagana, Nairobi, Chania, Gura, Honi and Ragati among others. The main catchment areas for these rivers are the two water towers i.e Aberdare Ranges and Mount Kenya. There are 49 permanent rivers, 77 water dams/ Pans, 72 boreholes and other sources including roof catchment, Shallow wells and springs. The quality of the water is good and suitable for domestic,

Water management
Water service providers are managed by Board of Directors while the community water based projects are managed by elected committee members. Water service providers are guided through water service regulation rules while community based water projects are guided by their constitutions and by-laws. Water service providers are monitored by WASREB, TWSB and County Department of water while the community water projects are monitored by County Department of Social service.

Climatic Conditions
The county experiences equatorial rainfall due to its location within the highland zone of Kenya. The long rains occur from March to May while the short rains are experienced in October to December, but occasionally this pattern is disrupted by abrupt and adverse changes in climatic conditions. The annual rainfall ranges between 1,200mm-1,600mm during the long rains and 500mm-1,500mm during the short rains. In terms of altitude, the county lies between 3,076 meters and 5,199 meters above sea level and registers monthly mean temperature ranging from 12.8ºC to 20.8ºC.

Gender, Youth and Social Services

The department of Gender Youth and Social Services draws its mandate from part two of the fourth schedule;4 (f)(j) and 12 of the constitution of Kenya 2010 and executive order no. 7 pursuant to the executive authority conferred by section 30 of the County Government Act, 2012, vide gazette notice no. 9011of 2020. This includes all matters relating to gender, disability, children and other special groups; social welfare, firefighting and disaster management, libraries, county parks and recreation facilities.  All matters relating to social and economic empowerment of youth, promotion, development and support of youth programs.



  • To Improve the Social Economic Development of the People of Nyeri;
  • To provide assistance to the vulnerable members of the community;
  • To build the capacity and empower Youth, Women, and Persons with Disabilities among other marginalized groups in the society;
  • To reduce harmful effects of disaster and calamities through creating awareness; improvement of disaster response coordination, infrastructure and equipment;

Trade, Tourism, Culture and Cooperative Development

The department is mandated to ultimately transform Nyeri County into a sustainable, middle income, investor friendly and world class tourist destination, providing all citizens a high quality life.

Industry and Trade
The County has a total of 52 fresh produce markets where 35 were improved during the previous planning period. Eight (8) markets were developed under the Economic Stimulus Programme. The flagship markets are Chaka Wholesale Hub, Karatina market and Nyeri open air markets which are under construction and Kamukunji which is the biggest second-hand clothes market in the county.
Industrial parks
Nyeri county has one Industrial park at Karatina and eight(8) Constituency Industrial Development Centres six(6) of which are complete at Gakindu, Kiawaithanji, Kariko, Othaya, Endarasha, Karatina KIE site, Karatina light industries and two(2) Juakali shed (Mihuti and Mweiga) which have not been completed.

Major industries
The major industries in the county are flour milling, soft drink processing and milk processing. These includes; Maisha Flour Mills, Cocacola, Highland, KCC, and Anchor Millers.

Main tourist attractions and activities
Nyeri County is a “hub of natural beauty’’and a key player in the Central Tourism Circuit. The
county is also endowed with the rich kikuyu culture. The County has increasingly become a popular destination for tourists to experience; cultural, adventure, agro, sport, education, business, leisure and religious tourism. Mt. Kenya and the Aberdares ecosystems have rich historical heritage and diversity in flora and fauna. Mt. Kenya has perfect topography and magnificent scenic views of inter-locking spurs ideal for film and photography. Heritage sites in the County include: Paxtu cottage at the Outspan Hotel which also houses a scout museum, Baden Powell graves and historical gardens, Kimathi trench at Kahigaini, Mau Mau caves in Naromoru, Italian war memorial church, Dedan Kimathi tree post office among iother attractions.

Last Update: December 22, 2021
December 5, 2021 601 DEBORAHNyeri County
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