Samburu County

Medical Services, Public Health & Sanitation

The department has a vision to county free from preventable diseases and ill health and a mission
to provide effective leadership and participate in the provision of quality health care services that is equitable, responsive, accessible, and accountable in Samburu County.

In order to meet its objectives the department of Health prioritized maternal, neonatal and child Health. In addition, increasing access and utilization of Health services through targeted investments in the six pillars of Health service delivery was given prominence.
To this end, in the 2016/17 – 2017/2018 financial years, nine new dispensaries were constructed t increase access to Health services. To address the issue of Utilization of health services, health education sessions were intensified and integrated in various departmental activities and also by using various media.
Eleven Community Units were formed to bring the total tally to 30 through the support of partners. Community units have been identified as the new frontier for entrenching behavior change among the communities and also enabling they take charge of their health matters.
In order to improve the health of mothers, children, and elderly, multiple outreach program activities were carried out in far flung areas of the county targeting immunization services, antenatal care, family planning and growth monitoring in children.
The County Health Management Teams and Sub- County Health Management teams were facilitated to carry out management roles like quarterly supervision, monthly in charges meetings and Result Based Financing verification and performance reviews.
The department through the Managed Equipment Scheme acquired a dialysis unit, four modern theatres and two diagnostic and imaging units at Suguta, Baragoi and Maralal County Referral Hospital .

Roads, Transport & Public Works

Road network
The county’s total road network length is 1,606.6 kilometers, out of which the Tarmac road (probase) covers a length of 10 Kms, Improved (graveled) road covers a length of 1,081 KMS and New (Opened) roads cover 515. 6Kms. Most of these are rural access roads and those linking to major urban centres within the county.

Air strips

There are 11 airstrips in Samburu County. Wamba, Kisima and Baragoi air strips are owned by the Kenya Civil Aviation Authority (KCAA). Those owned by the county government are: Oryx, Kalama, Ngilaie wamba, Latakweny and kurungu. Sarara and Desert rose are privately owned airstrips. Maralal Nkuroto airstrip is not functional.

The County Transport and Public works being a core sector in realization of the county mission of providing quality life is charged with the responsibility of facilitating provision of sustainable water accessibility, ensuring cost effective movement within our county roads through opening up of new roads, improvement and maintenance of the existing roads, construction of drainage structures and maintenance of buildings and other public works in the county.
Rig Rig steel bridge construction was still on – going and it’s at 80% complete, Its during this spell that the county headquarter (Maralal town) road Tarmarking was completed using probase technology thus positively affecting the town business and health status, also the several rural roads have been opened and improved to motorable state.
In current financial year 2017 / 2018 key projects being implemented includes: Extending street lights installation in major towns i.e. Suguta Marmar, Kisima, wamba,Baragoi and part of Maralal town,Construction of storm water management drainage structure at Nyiro, Suguta Marmar and Nyiro and construction and Improvement of roads, bridges and drifts.

The department is working towards ensuring the following programmes

  • Maintenance of road construction equipments
  • Improvement of Major Access Roads
  • Opening of New Access Roads
  • Maintenance of existing Roads
  • Construction of Road Crossings infrastructures (Bridges ,drifts and Culverts)
  • Installation and Maintenance of street lights in Urban centre’s
  • Construction of designated bus park
  • Storm Water Management in Major towns

Lands, Housing, Physical Planning & Urban Development

In 2016/2017 – 2017/2018 Financial Years the department engaged in implementation of several programmes key among them and which are currently ongoing include the development of the Samburu County Spatial Plan and implementation of Cadastral Survey for Maralal Town; development of Integrated Urban Development Plans for Wamba and Archer’s Post which are complete and ready for the next stage as well as for Kisima, Suguta Marmar and Baragoi Towns which are currently ongoing; Regularization of plot ownership for various towns across the County which is also ongoing. The department has also ensured effective management of Group Ranches by facilitating various Group Ranch AGMs and dispute resolution programmes. It’s also involved in formalization of Milimani Settlement Scheme which is at the Physical Planning stage. All these activities are in line with the departments strategic objective of ensuring the registration of all parcels in Samburu County to enable land owners acquire Title Deeds for their plots to improve their livelihood.
The department therefore intends to continue with similar programmes in the 2017/18 and 2018/2019 Financial Years and in so doing is targeting other parts of the County which hitherto, have previously not been touched and the details of which are indicated in Part E of this report. The programmes are meant to expand our areas of coverage with the aim of ensuring that much of our land is ready for registration. This informs the basis of our request for further funding in the 2018/2019 FY to facilitate the implementation of the listed programmes.

Land and Land Use

Land is an important resource as it anchors most human development activities. Moreover, land is used not only as economic resource but also as a socio – cultural tool. Land in the County is either owned as registered community land (group ranches), unregistered community land (held in trust by County Government), public and private land as leasehold or freehold.

Land ownership categories/ classification
Community Land

Land in the County is categorized as per the Article 61 of Kenya’s Constitution, Land Act, 2012 and Community Land Act, 2016. The first category of land that constitutes bulk of the land parcels is the community land. The community land is further categorized as registered community land and unregistered community. The registered community land constitutes what is referred to us as Group Ranches. Presently, the County has forty-three (43) group ranches and an approximately 26, 551 registered members with the majority being found in Samburu West and East and with the least being in Samburu North.

Public Land
The second category is the public land which are mostly land owned by National, County Governments, public institutions and they include road reserves, riparian, ridges, lakes, forests and rivers, un-alienated urban areas within various registration sections, schools, water points, livestock sale yards and airstrip and so on. The approximate total size of registered public land excluding road reserve and un-alienated urban land is 26, 788. 18 Ha. If 15.5% (3,103.41km2) of the gazette forest and 1.8 km2 of tip of Lake Turkana is added to the same, the approximate total of public land comes to 337, 309.18 Ha (3, 373.09km2) which represents 16.05% of the total land mass of the county.

Private land

The third category is the private land owned under freehold tenure system or under leasehold system. Most of the land owned as freehold is to be found in Samburu West Sub-county especially in the high potential agro-ecological zones of Poro ‘A’ & ‘B”, Losuuk, Suguta Marmar, Lpartuk, Loiting and Longewan sections. Those owned as leasehold, are mostly within the urban areas where public land has been allocated to private entities or individuals. Cadastral survey has been conducted in Maralal Block 1 and titles of 2, 500 are ready for collection.

Finance, Economic Planning and ICT

The Department of Finance and Economic Planning is charged with responsibilities of developing and implementing policies, strategies and development plans for financial accounting, budget formulation and management, planning and management of socio-economic and political development resources. This is done based on the activities and products that are critical for socio-economic development of the County and Country at large. The County Treasury’s achievements during the period for 2017/18 includes; completion of value for money audits in all departments, implementation of policy on access to county government procurement opportunities for women, successful implementation of e-procurement, the youth and persons with disabilities, preparation of financial statement on time, Preparation of Annual Budget, Preparation of Annual development plan and the completion of the County Integrated Development Plan 2018-2022.

The main constraint in budget implementation has been caused by the vastness of the county coupled by the poor road infrastructure, delay in disbursement of funds by National Treasury, In addition, accrued pending bills leads to insufficient funds for priority projects since they form first charge of the budget. Going forward, the County Treasury will continue to put in place appropriate measures to ensure that all
sections in the public finance management Act 2012 are strictly adhered to. In particular the requirement of preparation of programme-based budgets and application of e-procurement by the county is to be adhered to by all departments.

Education and Vocational Training

The vision of the department is to be a highly Education and Vocational Training

Education sector remains a critical driver to the realization of the County Development dream. The sector presents a platform for imparting much needed skills, competencies and attitude to propel the County Vision.
In the 2017/2018 the Recurrent Budget estimates were Ksh 320,140,551 and development Ksh 140,948,296.
In the last six months of 2017/2018 financial year commendable gains have been realized. Key among them includes; increased number of children receiving pre-school food rations, construction of classrooms, sanitary blocks office, store and kitchen, construction of high altitude sports centre are all underway. We have also participated in various sports competitions, issued scholarships and bursaries to needy students, recruited more ECDE teachers and other staff and the provision of administrative records.
The department is facing various challenges some of which include: lack of accessibility to some ECDE centers, insecurity in some areas, late disbursement of funds from the national government, late completion of development projects due to the long procurement process and inadequate training workshops.
Going forward the department intends to continue with the construction of more classrooms, sanitary blocks, kitchen and stores.

There are 164 Primary schools in the County with 1220 teachers and a total of 49,897 pupils enrolled translating to teacher/pupil ration of 1:41. Since the introduction of free primary education and the school feeding programme, enrolment has risen. However, cultural values such as female genital mutilation, earlier marriages and moranism have been a challenge to the primary school enrolment. ECD transition rate is 88 percent.

Approximately 34% of the population has the ability to read and write. Through adult education classes offered by the department of adult education has seen this rate increase from 12% in 2013 to 27% by 2017 with a total of 3565 adult enrollments. The level of literacy is expected to continue increasing across all education sectors of the County because of the introduction of free primary education, free day secondary and subsidized boarding secondary schools from the beginning of planning period.

Youth polytechnics
The county government has constructed one youth polytechnics in Maralal with total enrolment of 51 students and six instructors. It is also in the process of setting up in Wamba and Baragoi. Also, there are other private polytechnics were basic technical are offered to students.

Technical, Vocational Education and Training

The county has one vocational training which privately owned hence majority of youths are left out or seek the skills outside the county. These require the government to initiate these institutions.

Tourism, Trade, Enterprise Development & Co-operatives

Achievements for the department for the period 2016/17 – 2017/2018 FY are summarized as follows:-
Under the tourism sector the following have been realized:-
Support of operations and development projects for community conservancies to enhance protection of the environment as well as foster security initiatives. At the same time, county’s natural resource endowment profiling and documentation was carried out to enable a detailed website aiming to market and promote tourism with key focus to untapped markets.
In order to enhance security of wildlife in the conservation areas, the tourism sector embarked on construction of rangers fortified camps in all insecurity prone areas especially along the western belt of the county. The department has so far constructed six fortified camps complete with water storage tanks, protective hide outs and toilets.
On improvement of staff welfare in Samburu national reserve, the sector of Tourism has renovated rangers’ quarters in Westgate-Samburu national reserve and completion of Headquarter block for Samburu national reserve at Archers gate. On capacity building and training, the department trained thirty rangers on basic paramilitary skills at Kenya wildlife Service training school -Manyani.
Other realizations include; Review of lease agreements for lodges has been initiated to boost tourism revenue. The department has also supported the construction of Cafeteria and Staff units at Malaso campsite and construction of ranger’s quarters at Maralal sanctuary, and in collaboration with other conservation partners; the department has also supported the construction of a community Eco lodge at Nkoteiya conservancy projects in among other development.
In the next period the sector would embark on improvement of staff welfare in Samburu national reserve, completion of development project in community conservancies and development of income generating initiatives for community conservancies. More so, the sector will also budget for operations within Samburu National reserve as a standalone program so as increase revenue to the county.

Under the co-operatives Sector the following have been achieved:-

The department pursued diversification of cooperative ventures by forming new cooperatives; one in each sub county for livestock marketing, bead work and processing of honey and value addition.
Members and officials of co-operatives such as bead work and beekeepers were taken for benchmarking and exposure visits in other counties.
Several co-operative societies were also revived during the year under review. Cooperatives were supported through advisory, extension services, capacity building, and installation of posho mills for selected women groups.
The co-operative sector would like to strengthen more co-operative societies in the next period and introduce a revolving fund for societies.

Through the department of trade, hereunder is a recap of the achievements: –

  • Follow-up for Samburu County Youth and women fund groups was done and defaulted loans amounting to five million were recovered.
  • The Fund has also disbursed loans amounting to six million shillings to some new groups after conducting a two –day training for the members.
  • The department has also allocated market stalls to traders in Wamba, Archers Post and Maralal markets.
    Consumer protection from unfair trade practices through sensitization, inspection and verification of weighing and measuring equipment was also realized.
  • The routine exercise was done in all trading centers within the county.
    In the coming financial year the sector would like to map out investment opportunities within the county and organize investment fora and exhibitions within the county.
  • The sector will also construct new market stalls in three centre’s and refurbish three others .The newly constructed market stalls in Wamba, Archers and Maralal will be connected with electricity and sewerage system.

The department has faced the following challenges

  • Untimely release of development funds
  • Need for more conservancies yet resources are limited.
  • Inadequate knowledge by the locals on the newly established conservancies and the need to be self-reliant.
  • Limited resources to support co-operatives and naivety due to past experiences as regards to loans.
  • The groups ventured in risk businesses which led loan default.
  • Lack of office space for Weight and Measures officers and a reliable vehicle for the department of Trade.

Water, Environment, Natural Resources & Energy

Performance Overview of the department

Natural resource-based activities and products are critical for socio-economic development of this county and the country at large. This therefore means that environmental protection, conservation and management of our natural resources require sound management and capacity building of community and government institutions and/or structures that are critical in supporting sustainable management of these resources.

During the MTEF period 2016/17-2017/18, the Department realized the following achievements: purchase of two (2) garbage collection refuse trucks, construction of dumpsite at Wamba to address solid waste management; environmental sanitation in all major towns and livestock markets, protection of water catchment areas; increasing forest cover through supporting school greening programme; carrying out surveys on green energy potentials and promote them; protection and conservation of water catchment areas, strengthening of institutions such as Water Resource User Associations(WRUAs) in Wamba East and Nyiro wards, Sand harvesting groups in Archers post, and development of soil conservation structures (such as gabions and terraces) to control soil erosion in Ngilai area of Samburu East.
The department in partnership with Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) also carried out capacity building on Holistic Rangeland Management at Seyia Area (Kirimon Group Ranch). This involved training and practical demonstrations of Group Ranch, Community Conservancies and Grazing Management committees on the concept of holistic management for planned grazing.

Going forward in the MTEF period 2018/19- 2019/20, the department requires resources to fund intervention measures geared towards protection, conservation and sustainable management of the environment and natural resources.
We will strive to continue supporting sanitation and solid waste management in the county; rehabilitation of degraded areas and control of invasive plant species, and promotion of other sustainable land management approaches; undertake natural resource inventory as well as establishment, training and strengthening of natural resource management institutions such as Water Resource User Associations (WRUAs), Sand harvesting groups, Charcoal Producers Associations (CPA’s), and Community Forest Associations (CFA’s) in the county. The department will also strive to enter into Public Private Partnerships with investors interested in sustainable development and exploitation of Non-Timber Forest products; mining and mineral products, and Green energy activities as the county has great potential on these resources. These programmes once implemented will have an impact of achieving clean and secure environment for every citizen; mitigation of climate change effects; creation of employment opportunities for youth, women and vulnerable groups in the society; and provision of alternative livelihoods to communities thus helping in the protection of rangelands and forests resources.
The department is also being a core sector in realization of the county mission of providing quality life is charged with the responsibility of facilitating, provision of sustainable water accessibility.
In current financial year 2017/2018 key projects being implemented includes; equipping of 30 No Boreholes across the county, Construction of storm water management drainage structure at Nyiro, Suguta Marmar and Nyiro.
The key challenges during the period include: Late disbursement of funds, inadequate financial resources due to limited resources ceiling for the sector, inadequate human resource (Technical personnel).
Despite of the above challenges the sector will continue to utilize its available resources to ensure effective and efficient way of implementation of the projects and activities within its mandate for the set period. In the 2018-2019 FY the sector will strive towards ensuring the following programmes have exhaustively been adhered to:-

  • Ground water exploration and utilization
  • Construction and Repair of water works for distribution
  • Construction/ disilting of Dams and Pans
  • Provision of water services through Trucking and Purchase of storage tanks
  • Rainwater Harvesting through artificial catchments and storage
  • Sewerage System and exhauster services in Major Towns
  • Storm Water Management in Major towns

Culture, Social Services, Gender, Sports & Youth Affairs

Performance Overview and Background for Programme(s) Funding
The County department of Gender Culture, Social Services sports and youth affairs is mandated to provide efficient, effective and responsive services to the people of Samburu County in areas pertaining Gender, Culture and social services. During the 2017-2018 F/Y the department managed to undertake the understated projects/programs.

  • Constructed three Social halls namely: Nkirenyi, Seketet and Barsaloi of which all are still ongoing.
  • Conducted several capacity building trainings to various women groups in the three sub counties.
  • Three Stadiums; Baragoi, Maralal, Wamba and archers Post are rolling projects i.e. to be completed in phases.
  • Participated in the 28th edition of the Maralal International Camel Derby.
  • Participated in the 2018 cross country championships

Going forward the department plans to initiate various programmes/projects in the remainder of the financial year.
The major constraints faced by the department during the fiscal year under review, were slow implementation of projects and programs due to the prolonged electioneering period, delays in facilitation due to IFMIS hiccups. Logistical challenges due to the vastness of the county and also staff shortages at the sub-county level.

Museums, Heritage and Cultural sites

Samburu County has Cultural manyattas in Ltungai, Malaso, Baragoi, Southhorr, Latakweny, Lorubai, Umoja, Meagari, Ngoteiya and Matakwani Manyatta. Cultural sites in the county include Loimugi Lolkiama at Wamba town, Naya Nkainito in Nkaroni, Naisimu Rrug hill in Mathews ranges, Lpusi Laampasion in Lodungokwe, Lmaarteun, Ngaji ya Ngai, Kisima Maladwa and Naibor Ajijik for resins collection in Nkare Narok. Kenyatta House in Maralal town is the only museum n Samburu County.

Talent Academies

There are no existing talent academies in Samburu County. However Local Artists have been supported to showcase their talents in occasions such as the Maralal international
Camel derby, Samburu Cultural Night and national day’s celebration events.

Sports facilities

There are 15 public playgrounds in each ward in Samburu County:

  • Samburu Central: Nkuroto, Kisima, logorate, Porro, Loisukutan
  • Samburu North: Angata nanyoike, Baawa, Nachola, Lesirkan, and Tuum
  • Samburu East: Lodungokwe, Ngilai, Archers Post, Wamba,

The county also four public stadia in; Maralal, Wamba, Archers Post and Baragoi.Institutions such as schools and churches across the county also provide platforms for sports activities.

Agriculture, Livestock Development, Veterinary Services & Fisheries

The County Agriculture Sector comprises of three sub-sectors namely: Agriculture; Livestock; and Fisheries. The sector has one (1) livestock improvement centre and one (1) agricultural machinery services unit. The sector is also a key player towards the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
The objectives of the sector are to:

  • Enhance livestock and agricultural productivity and output;
  • Enhance market access for livestock and agricultural products;
  • Increase investment for value addition in livestock sector;
  • Create enabling environment for livestock and agricultural development;
  • Enhance accessibility of affordable inputs and credit to both livestock and crop farmers.

Main crops produced
The main crops grown in the County include maize, beans, wheat, barley, pyrethrum and millet. These crops are grown in the highland areas of Poro in Kirisia Division. This is due to its fertile soils and adequate rainfall sufficient for rain fed agriculture. The maize value chain is currently being promoted by the Agricultural Sector Development Support Program (ASDSP). Pyrethrum value chain is being introduced through support from Pyrethrum Processing Company of Kenya. Pyrethrum farming is relatively a new practice in the County. There are opportunities to promote other crop communities value chain in the county.

Acreage under food and cash crops
About eight (8%) / 139,000 ha of the County is classified as arable land with adequate moisture to support crop farming. Currently 28,500 ha of land is being utilized for crop farming. The county plans to increase maize yield to 35 bags per ha, beans to 18 bags per ha and cowpeas to 16 bags per ha through provision of certified seeds to enhance crop production. Wheat, pyrethrum and barley are the main cash crops covering 8,053 ha of land.

Main livestock breeds and facilities
Ninety-two percent (92%) of the County land is rangeland suitable for livestock production and supports 202,700 cattle; 622,000 sheep; 714,000 goats; 36,100 camels and 10,000 donkeys. The main breeds of cattle kept are the local Zebu and the Borans and their cross-breeds while goat’s breeds include the Small East African and Galla. Sheep breeds include the Dorpers and the Red Maasai while camels include the Somali, the Rendile and Turkana breeds. During the last four years, the County Government through the ongoing livestock breeds improvement/upgrading programme availed 2,369 improved livestock breeds to farmers for upgrading the local breeds and these includes: 1,500 Breeding Galla Bucks; 252 Community Breeding Boran/Sahiwal Bulls; 332 Community Breeding Somali Camel Heifers and Bulls; 250 Alpine Dairy Does and Bucks; and 35 Dairy cow-heifers. World Vision and other Stakeholders also provided breeding stock such as Galla bucks and Does, Rams and KARLO improved cockerels. The World Vision in collaboration with the Department of Livestock Production initiated the formation of Samburu County Breeding Association (SACOMBA).

The key achievements realized during the period were:

  • Availing of subsidized fertilizer to farmers;
  • Provision of certified seeds to farmers;
  • Availing of superior camel breeds and control of animal diseases.

The department was faced with the following challenges

  • Inadequate funding and delays in disbursement of exchequer;
  • poor performance of markets and infrastructure;
  • limited access to financial services; slow enactment of bills;
  • crop and livestock diseases,
  • impacts of climate change,
  • range degradation,
  • limited value addition,
  • high production costs,
  • inadequate strategies for implementation of policies and enforcement of legislation.

Ranching (number, ownerships and activities)
There are 40 registered group ranches with varying sizes across the County. The main activity carried out in these ranches is livestock grazing and wildlife conservation. Range reseeding with improved pasture grass species and the adoption of the Holistic Natural Resource Management Model are some the Ranch improvement practices and technologies proposed by County Government to improve grazing resources management in the group ranches. However, inter clan conflict in these ranches has led to delay of land adjudication process and has been a major challenge. It is only around Mararal Town, Poro area, and Kisima where the land adjudication has taken place and land title deeds issued. Amayia livestock holding ground will be exploited to produce clean animals free from trade sensitive diseases and therefore suitable for export markets.

Last Update: November 26, 2021
November 26, 2021 422 DEBORAHSamburu County
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