Uasin Gishu County

 Agriculture, Food Security and Cooperative Development

Notable progress was recorded under this sub-sector. To increase agricultural production and productivity the agriculture sub-sector subsidized a total of 56,000 bags (10 kg) maize seed through co-operatives. Towards soil conservation and management, a soil testing laboratory was established at AMS and 2000 soil samples were tested against a targeted 1000 soil samples. To improve on post-harvest management and reduce post-harvest losses, the county government constructed and launched a potato cold storage store in partnership with investors
from Netherlands, constructed two (2) ware potato stores and one diffuse light stores, renovated two cereal stores at Kaptuli and Sosiani (2) and construction of two cereal stores at Mafuta co-operative society and Tuiyo co-operative society. Warehouse receipting system was also strengthened to increase storage access with five (5) warehouses utilising the system as per the end term target.

To promote good agricultural practices 60,000 farmers were trained against a set target of 23,000 in the plan period; 31 demonstrations were established on newly researched production technologies; extension services strengthened through recruitment of 45 extension officers against a targeted 30 and purchased 51 motorcycles for front line extension personnel. In addition the sub sector partnered with at least 55 private sector agencies for
provision of extension services against a target of 50 during the implementation period. The sub sector also rolled out empowerment programmes to engage youth in promotion of high value crops, reduce youth un-employment and increase incomes. A total of 139 youth groups benefitted in Phase 1 of the Kijana na Acre programme.

Health Services

This sector was charged with the provision of equitable, affordable and quality health care of the highest standard to citizens of the county. Further the sector was mandated to provide essential health services, accelerate reduction on the burden of communicable conditions, halt and reverse the rising burden of non-communicable conditions and minimise exposure to health risk factors. During the period under review, the sector realized the following significant achievements:-

Towards infrastructural development, the sector upgraded Ziwa, Kesses, Moiben, Kapteldon,
Turbo and Burnt-forest to level 4 hospitals.
The six sub county hospitals serve as referral centres for lower levels hospitals. In Burnt-forest and Turbo sub county hospitals the county constructed and equipped a theatre block and renovated maternity & inpatient wards. Phase one works at Kesses and Ziwa sub county hospital is on-going which includes construction of a theatre, maternity and outpatient wing. Moiben sub county hospital has stalled.

In addition, 27 new health facilities and 1 model maternity i.e. West maternity health centre, 35 burning chambers were constructed. Further 1 reference laboratory construction is on-going with an aim of enhancing disease diagnostics. Also 4 health facilities (Ziwa, Turbo, Burnt forest and Huruma hospital) were upgraded to offer specialised services i.e. Orthopaedic surgeries, Dialysis, Radiology, Eye surgeries, Cryotherapy. Over 127 health
facilities were refurbished

Lands, Housing, Physical Planning & Urban Development

Notable progress was achieved in assuring security of tenure and enhancement of sustainable land use in the county and housing development & management. In lands section, the County Central Registry managed to install a modern filing system to modernize operations at the registry making the filing and retrieval system efficient. This has improved time spent in undertaking land transactions from an estimated period of 15minutes
to 3minutes.

To solve the problem of land grabbing, the department documented public land; 17 parcels of land grabbed have been repossessed in collaboration with Ministry of Lands and Physical Planning, National Land Commission (NLC), Ethics and Anticorruption Commission (EACC) and State Law Office. This ensured there is available public land for implementation of county projects. In addition the need for provision of public facilities and infrastructure services necessitated the acquisition of public land through land banking exercise where a
total of 12.9ha.was acquired against a target of 46.6678ha in the plan period. To facilitate the provision of urban services, the sub sector undertook preparation of 3 Valuation rolls to facilitate effective collection of land rates in 3 urban Areas; – Eldoret Municipality, Moi`s Bridge Township & Burnt Forest Township.

The survey section improved its services through acquisition of modern survey equipment; 3 GPS against a targeted 20 and a 3-in-1 scanner against a planned purchase of 3 plotters and and 10 large format scanners. A total of 4 trading centres: Ngarua, Kaptooley, Karandili and Rock Trading Centre and 3 public utilities within Eldoret Municipality have been surveyed, mapped and fenced off. In the same period 180 kilometres of roads reserves were surveyed and pegged. In addition the section, resolved land and boundary disputes for public, private and implementation of court orders, within the county and neighbouring Counties.

To provide public housing, maintain county estates and improve informal settlements, the section managed to renovate 21 County owned houses, improved drainages in Macharia, Mayabi, Kodhek estates, and Turbo, Moi’s bridge and Burnt Forest townships and fenced 14 public utilities. In addition, the section developed a concept note for future densification of these estates for maximum utilization and widening of the scope and variety. This means in future, the housing stock will increase thus increased revenue and stabilized rental rates.

Education, Culture and Social Services Sub Sector

The sector is responsible for development, management and administration of early childhood development education and vocational training; sustainably promote and preserve cultural heritage; manage and coordinate social welfare programmes; and sports development. The sector is comprised of Education, Culture & Social Services; and Youth Affairs, Gender & Sports Sub-Sectors.

Access to ECDE education improved tremendously in the plan period under review. This is attributed to increased investments in ECDE infrastructure and recruitment of teachers. A total of 557 ECDE classrooms were constructed and 117 feeder schools established which led to increase in enrolment from 25,162 in 2013 to 32,297, in 2017. A total of 1019 ECDE teachers were recruited and deployed translating to pupil teacher ratio of 1:32 which is below the desired plan target of 1:20. The amount of Kshs.452.8M was disbursed over the plan
period as bursaries with over 60,000 needy students benefiting which led to improved transition and retention rates in the county.

Youth Affairs, Gender and Sports Sub Sector
The enrolment at VTCs declined from 841 in 2013 to 762 in 2017 attributed to discontinuation of the Subsidised Youth Polytechnic Tuition (SYPT) programme by the national government on the onset of devolution in 2013 negatively affecting enrolment target of 1,000. A total of 38 instructors were employed representing a student teacher ratio of 1: 20. During the implementation plan, the county had targeted construction of 30 VTCs but
achieved 11 which were fully equipped and functional. In the same period over 950 and 1800 youths benefited from the youth mentorship and scholarship programmes respectively.

Roads, Transport and Public Works

To increase the adequacy of the road network within Uasin Gishu County, and Eldoret city Business Hub, the department made tremendous strides in implementation of the CIDP 2013-2017. The projects implemented helped to ease traffic congestion, thus reducing journey times and thus creating better atmosphere for doing business.

During implementation of the CIDP 2013-17, the county government did tarmac on 16 Km of road against planned 38 Km, increasing the network under tarmac to 326 km. Much of the tarmac done was with support from development partners. The government also graded and gravelled 4680 Km and 1127 Km of roads respectively, with 4,600 M of culverts installed. A total of 30 bridges and box culverts were constructed against a target of 98. One foot bridge was also constructed out of the planned three. In partnership with development partners the  government constructed 32 Km of non-motorized transport (NMT) foot/cycle paths. A total of 55 assorted roads equipment and machinery were also purchased to support roads construction and maintenance in the county. These included 12 Motor Graders, 9 Tipper Lorries, 6 Rollers, 6 Concrete Mixers, 6 high Mast Flood Lights, 4 Bulldozers, 3 Excavators, 3 Backhoe Loaders, 3 Water Bowsers, 2 Canters, and 1 Wheel Loader.

Environment, Water, Energy and Natural Resources

The county government invested substantial amount of resources in the development and management of water sewerage systems. All the seven (7) water supplies were rehabilitated and maintained. The county also completed Elegerini Water Project with a capacity to supply 7000 cubic meters to Eldoret town per day. This increased the amount of water received in Eldoret town.

To improve on solid waste management, the government embarked on deliberate efforts to realize efficiency and effectiveness in storage, collection, transportation and disposal of solid waste. These efforts included acquisition of 3 side loaders against planned 3; purchase of 3 skip loader lorries against planned 3; acquisition of 100 three-bin systems against targeted 100; purchase of 110 skip containers against a target of 110; purchase of six (6) acres of land as planned to serve as temporary transfer stations; purchase of 20 acres of land as planned for dumpsite; and planting 233,000 assorted tree seedlings against targeted 333,000.

ICT & E-Government

During the period 2013-2018, the government made deliberate efforts to develop ICT infrastructure and uptake in the county. Over 400 staff were trained on various county systems and processes against a target of 400 staff. More than 500 youth compared to 90 planned across the county were trained on opportunities in ICT that led to wealth creation and improvement of livelihoods. GIS portal was established as planned. This led to improved
access to county data. The portal can be accessed on In addition, Revenue System was implemented and operationalized as planned, with roll out of the remaining modules ongoing. The revenue system had improved revenue management. Integration process of E-Revenue to Geo-Spatial Framework of the County was ongoing.

Trade, Industrialisation, Cooperatives & Enterprise Development, Tourism & Wildlife Management

During the period under review, the sector provided trading space to traders through construction and renovation of markets and fabrication of modern Kiosks. This was achieved through the construction of (27) retail markets and successfully managed to start the process of construction of a major wholesale market at a cost of 330 Million in Kimumu Ward in partnership with European Union.

Two dormant markets out of a targeted six were revived. The sector managed to fabricate 120 modern kiosks out of a target of 220. The Kiosks have boosted business and offered clean environment for consumers. The Eldoret Fish market near Uasin Gishu Primary is a beneficiary of the initiative.

To promote and strengthen the cooperative movement during the period under review, a total of 41 Cooperative societies were revived against a target of 30. In addition a total of 155 new cooperative societies were registered. Sensitization and capacity building programmes, revival and registration of cooperatives led to increased membership in cooperatives, improved capitalization, increased household incomes and savings mobilization. In the plan period membership to cooperative societies increased from 50,000 to 100,000, share capital/Deposits from 1.2 billion to 3.7 billion and turnover from 190 million to over 300 million. In addition, the sector has been hosting the International Cooperative Day on an annual basis where cooperative movement performance is reviewed and best performing societies rewarded.


Last Update: December 6, 2021
December 6, 2021 252 DEBORAHUasin Gishu County
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