Establishing Statute
The Tribunal is established under section 93 (3) of the Basic Education Act No. 14 of 2013 Laws of Kenya.
Mandate and jurisdiction
Its mandate is to hear and determine appeals emanating from any person aggrieved by the decisions of the County Education Board.
The members of the Tribunal were gazette on 24th August, 2018 via Gazette Notice No. 8538. The Members of the Tribunals are as follows:
- Director-General
- Chief Executive Officer, Teachers Service Commission
- Representative- Quality Assurance and Standards
- Representative-Kenya Private Sector Alliance;
- Representative –AG
- CEO-National Council for Nomadic Education in Kenya.
A Substantial Chief Executive Officer for the Tribunal was also appointed and gazetted and she is responsible for the day to day affairs of the Tribunal and is also answerable to the Tribunal
Last Update: November 12, 2021
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