This is the Directorate that coordinates all the support services in the State Department for Gender Affairs. It is made up of several Divisions. These include:
- Administration
- Human Resource Management and Development
- Finance
- Accounts
- Supply Chain Management
- Central Planning and Project Monitoring Unit
- Information and Communication Technology
- Public Communications
- Internal Audit
Administration Division
A customer focused Department
To coordinate implementation of Administration support services in the Department
Strategic Objectives
- To enhance effectiveness and efficiency in the management and optimum utilization of public funds in SDGA
- To spearhead the fight against corruption in SDGA;
- To improve the work environment within the State Department To streamline transport management in the State Department
Human Resources Management and Development Division
A well-managed Human Resource for effective and efficient service delivery
To provide quality Human Resource (HR) services to attract, develop, motivate and retain a diverse workforce within a supportive work environment for attainment of the State Department’s mandate
Strategic Objectives
- To implement HR policies, regulations and relevant Statutes to promote National values.
- To manage staff performance for enhanced productivity and improved service delivery.
- To utilize available technology for efficient service delivery.
- To rationalize staff deployments to meet the Department and employee needs.
- To train and develop Human Resource to meet Department and employee needs.
- To develop and implement an annual Human Resource development training projection.
- To value staff commitment and self-drive with their involvement at all levels being the hallmark of the Unit.
- To encourage and facilitate creativity and innovative performance, and embrace change.
Finance Division
Excellence in the provision of quality financial services in the State Department for Gender Affairs
To provide quality financial services, advice and advocate for optimum utilization of financial resources in accordance with Treasury guidelines and the Constitution in the State Department for Gender Affairs
Strategic Objectives
- To ensure that the budget is in place for implementation of the State Department’s Programmes/Activities.
- To ensure compliance with Treasury guidelines on public expenditure.
- To provide Departments/Units with accurate financial status and information for decision making.
- To advocate for optimum and prudent use of financial resources.
Central Planning and Project Monitoring Unit (CPPMU)
Effective policy guidance for results
To provide policy direction for evidence-based decision making and resource utilization
Strategic objectives
The strategic objectives are to:
- To coordinate the development of policies in the state Department
- To ensure effective planning and reporting on implementation of projects and programmes in the Ministry
- To strengthen the budget planning and preparation process in the Ministry
- To coordinate monitoring and evaluation of Ministry’s projects, programmes and activities
Accounts Division
Efficiency in provision of accounts services
To process payments and manage accounting records efficiently
Strategic Objectives
- To process and make prompt payments of financial transactions
- To produce timely, accurate and up-to-date financial reports
- To maintain accurate accounting records
ICT Division
ICT compliance in the Department
To facilitate access to ICT infrastructure and services all over the country
Strategic Objectives
- Develop modern ICT infrastructure;
- Enhance service delivery through e-Government services;
- Build ICT capacity in the Department
Supply Chain Management Division
Value for money in the acquisition of goods and services
To streamline procurement of goods and services and disposal of unserviceable/surplus stores
Strategic Objectives
- To improve procurement of goods and services in the Ministry
- To provide administrative guidelines for stores and asset management
Public Communications Division
A positive image of the Department
To provide customers with timely, accurate and consistent information on Departments activities and programmes
Strategic objectives
- To improve and maintain a positive corporate image of the Ministry
- Build awareness and understanding on Ministry’s programmes
- Improve internal communications
- Maintain external communication with sector stakeholders
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