This program focuses on accelerating efforts towards the elimination of Gender Based Violence (GBV) in Kenya. In this regard, the programme focuses on coordinating GBV programmes, improving enforcement of laws and policies towards GBV prevention and response; facilitating access to quality and comprehensive support services and improving sustainability of GBV prevention and response interventions.
Functions of the Directorate include:
Functions of the Gender Based Violence (GBV) and Family Protection Directorate include:
- Coordination of programmes and activities for prevention and elimination of incidences of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM);
- Sensitization of communities and other stakeholders on FGM,SGBV on gender related issues;
- Coordination of programmes for the reduction of gender Based violence (GBV); collecting, collating and analyzing data on FGM, SGBV;
- Follow-up with gender violence victims for the expediency of justice for conclusive resolution;
- Oversee implementation and reporting on the Kenya National Action Plan (KNAP) on UN Security Resolution 1325;
- Collaboration with organizations and other service providers on SGBV issues;
- Disseminating information on FGM and SGBV activities and incidences;
- Referral, guiding and counselling of GBV survivors to relevant service providers;
- Establishment of Gender Based Violence Recovery Centres (GBVRCs) in collaboration with other stakeholders and relevant County Governments’;
- Monitoring prevalence of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) and Sexual and Gender Based Violence (SGBV); and,
- Establish and maintain complaints and grievance mechanisms for monitoring sexual and gender violence incidences in MDCAs.
Key achievements
Gender Based Violence programmes:-
1. Launch of the GOK/UN Joint Program on Gender Based Violence (JP-GBV)
The Government, through the Ministry of Public Service, Youth and Gender Affairs in collaboration with the UN launched a four year GOK/UN joint Programme on prevention and response to gender Based Violence. The programme is anchored on five pillars of Prevention, Protection, Prosecution, Programming and Partnerships that are interlinked and underpinned by strong coordination, communication, advocacy, innovation, leveraging on ICT and policy dialogue at national and county levels.
2. Gender Based Violence Help lines:
The Government in partnership with non-state actors is supporting various toll free help lines to respond to and ensure appropriate referrals for survivors/victims of GBV. These are;
- The National GBV helpline 1195,
- Police helpline 999/112,
- Childline Kenya helpline 116,
- UWIANO SMS Platform 10,
- Kimbilio GBV helpline 1193,
- LVCT one 2 one youth helpline 1190 and
- FIDA SMS platform 21661.
3. Launch and implementation of the Kenya National Action Plan (KNAP) on UNSCR 1325:
The Kenya National Action Plan (KNAP) on UNSCR 1325 provides a framework for implementation of the United Nations Security Council Resolution (UNSCR) 1325 on Women, Peace and Security.
4. Launch of Kilifi Gender Based Violence Recovery Centre on 1st July 2016.
The County was identified as one of the hotspot regions in GBV prevalence. It is rated the County with the highest prevalence on Gender Based Violence in the country by the KDHS (2014) report. The State Department of Gender Affairs (SDGA) in collaboration with the Kilifi County Referral Hospital and UNFPA identified an underutilized Hospital Building which was officially donated to host a GBVRC. The building was refurbished through the financial support of UNFPA at a total cost of Kshs. 1.5M. The SDGA contributed assorted supplies for the Centre which included: plastic basins, plastic buckets, beddings, towels, sandals, toiletries, toys etc worth Kshs. 1M. The County Hospital donated hospital beds, chairs, a Television Set and other necessary equipment for the Centre. The Center, based at the Kilifi Level 4 hospital, was officially opened by the then Cabinet Secretary for Public Service, Youth and Gender Affairs Mrs. Sicily Kariuki
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