Department of Trade Unions


VISION                 – Organized and accountable trade unions

MISSION              – To provide a healthy regulatory framework for trade union  activities.

MANDATE            – To ensure effective and efficient registration of trade unions in compliance with the constitution, the Labour Relations Act (LRA) and other related Labour laws.


  1. Registration of trade unions, employer’s organizations and federations and their branches.
  2. Registration of elected officials after the general elections and by-elections.
  3. Registration of trade unions constitutions or any amendments thereof and change of name(s).
  4. Inspection of trade unions books of accounts and records.
  5. Updating trade union membership records upon receipt and scrutiny of the Annual Returns.
  6. Preparing submissions and liaising with the Office of the Attorney General on cases brought against the Registrar or where the Registrar is a Respondent.
  7. General administration of the trade unions under the provisions of the relevant laws thereto.
  8. Registration of amalgamations of trade unions, employers’ organizations and federations.
  9. Directing all registered trade unions, employers’ organizations and federations to carry out elections after the mandatory five years in accordance with the Labour Relations Act,
  10. Determination of trade unions disputes arising from their operations in accordance with the law and their constitutions.
  11. Cancellation and/or suspension of trade unions which are dissolved or have ceased to exist or are operating in contravention of the law.
  12. Issuance of Extracts (registered officials) of trade unions, employers’ organization and federations upon request

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Last Update: November 11, 2021
November 11, 2021 167 adminLabour
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