Developing National Social Protection System

The government of Kenya has made very significant progress in developing its National Social Protection System;

  1. Expansion of schemes and progress in strengthening programme delivery
  2. Significant increase in political commitment to social protection
  • More investment in social protection
  1. Government commitment in social protection policy

Social protection is a small sector dominated by larger programs namely

  • GFD-General Food Distribution
  • CSP-The Civil Service Pension
  • NSSF-National Social Security Fund
  • NHIF-National Hospital Insurance Fund

There is a wide range of social assistance programs and in particular;

  • Cash Transfer for Orphans and Vulnerable Children CT-OVC
  • Older Pensions Cash Transfer (OPCT)
  • Income Security in old age and the Universal Inua Jamii Senior Citizens programs.

These activities cut across both the National and County Government hence a devolved function.

Last Update: April 6, 2022
April 6, 2022 317 adminSocial Protection
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