Public Investment Management (PIM)


The Directorate’s mandate:

The Directorate is responsible for Public Investment Policy and Oversight in Kenya.


The functions of the Directorate are to:

  1. Coordinate the management of public investment;
  2. Formulate and review policies, guidelines and regulations to improve PIM processes across national and county governments;
  3. Develop and maintain a Public Investment Management Information System (PIMIS);
  4. Advise the budget process on issues relating to project selection;
  5. Review and approve concept notes, pre-feasibility and feasibility studies of projects prior to their inclusion in a project pipeline;
  6. Capacity build Ministries, Departments Counties and Agencies (MDACs) on PIM;
  7. Develop and implement monitoring and evaluation standards for public investment projects;
  8. Provide technical assistance for the Ministries, Departments Counties and Agencies; and
  9. Undertake research, develop and update methodologies on Public Investment Management.
Last Update: November 15, 2021
November 15, 2021 158 adminDirectorates
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