The SDGs Coordination Directorate coordinates mainstreaming of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in policy, planning and budgeting process; advocacy and awareness creation on SDGs; tracking and reporting on the implementation of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs); Stakeholder engagement; capacity development on SDGs for both National and County Governments, resource mobilization for SDGs activities and research on SDGs.
The functions of the Directorate are to:
- Coordinate preparation and dissemination of briefs, country position papers and progress reports on SDGs and Voluntary National Reviews (VNRs);
- Coordinate advocacy and awareness creation on SDGs;
- Coordinate mainstreaming of SDGs in planning and monitoring frameworks;
- Co-convene various sectors in the annual Medium-Term Expenditure framework (MTEF) budgetary preparation process;
- Undertake SDGs stakeholders engagement;
- Coordinate documentation and sharing of good practices on SDGs;
- Collaborate with KNBS in production of timely and quality data to monitor SDGs;
- Capacity build stakeholders on SDGs at National and County levels;
- Collaborate with various stakeholders in identification of SDGs research priority areas, and in undertaking SDGs research; and
- Coordinate identification of innovative ways of accelerating implementation of SDGs.
For more information visit the SDGs Coordination Directorate website
Last Update: November 15, 2021
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