Transboundary units

Kenya shares more than half its water resources with its neighboring countries.  Trans-boundary waters management and use are based on international principles on trans-boundary waters management.

Key activities water resources use and management with transboundary dimension include promotion of cooperation, establishment of public service institutions around transboundary waters, promotion and adoption of relevant international water law principles and promotion of ratifications. The sub-sector also consolidates and disseminates relevant data and information on transboundary waters in Kenya.

Roles of Ministry Trans-boundary Waters department

  • Formulation of transboundary water policies, guidelines and strategies including on construction of reservoirs for impounding surface runoff and river/flood flows of Trans-boundary nature and transboundary water planning and research.
  • Initiate dialogue with riparian states to develop cooperative frameworks for management and use of shared waters;
  • Monitor transboundary/shared waters including related projects/ initiatives, collect, consolidate, document and disseminate related information to key stakeholders.
  • To advice and ensure projects are implemented according to negotiated and signed instruments (agreements, MOUs etc.).
  • Act as focal point for Kenya on joint Technical meetings on International Waters;
  • Review international water agreements, which Kenya is party to and recommend necessary changes as required in view of current and projected water demand in interest of the nation;
  • Advice on benefits and implications of international water agreements in view of our national interest, recommend enactment of appropriate domestic legislation to enable the necessary changes to international water agreements so as to entrench the revised international water agreements and ways to harmonize national law and policies to address shared international waters
  • Negotiate on matters transboundary waters and deal with Trans-boundary water resources conflicts management and resolution;
  • Integrate relevant international conventions and treaties governing the management and administration of international waters into national legislation and policy;
  • Ensure compliance of international agreements and agreed protocols for transboundary water matters and projects.
  • Identify, define, analyze, communicate and advise on various scenarios in utilization of Transboundary Water Resources for water services and economic development.
  • Develop decision support systems for the management, development and utilization of trans-boundary water resources in the country.

Water Services Institutional Status Linkages

Useful Resources 

Last Update: November 11, 2021
November 11, 2021 266 adminWater
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