The national coverage for access to safe water is 55.9% as per the Annual Water Sector Review Report 2015 with urban coverage at 65.4% and rural coverage at 48.8%. This implies that about 18.5 million people out of the total population of 42 million people in Kenya do not have access to safe water.
The national coverage for people accessing improved sanitation is 68.6% as per the Annual Water Sector Review Report 2015 with urban coverage at 72.5% and rural coverage at 66%. This implies that about 13 million people do not have access to improved sanitation in Kenya. Sewerage connection in Kenya is still very low with only 9.4% connected nationally as per the Annual Water Sector Review Report 2015.
This calls for concerted efforts between the National, County Governments and other stakeholders to ensure progressive realization of access to safe water for all as envisaged in the Vision 2030.
Water infrastructure investment planning involves coordination of the identification, prioritization and design of water infrastructure in Kenya. The range of water infrastructure works include national public water works which are cross-county and inter-basin in nature and county public works.
The coordination of planning for water works investments aims at the realization of human right to water and reasonable standards of sanitation in line with the Constitution. It also seeks to harmonize water works asset financing, provide timely and up to date water projects planning communication to the key stakeholders. The sub-sector focuses on ensuring last mile connectivity in water and sanitation services.
Roles of National Government and County Governments
The National Government is to establish a durable and sustainable system of development, including, in particular on water protection, securing sufficient residual water, hydraulic engineering and the safety of dams.
County Governments are to develop county public works and services, including
- storm water management systems in built-up areas; and
- water and sanitation services.
Synergy and collaboration in investment planning for water and sanitation services is therefore paramount.
Key challenges in this sub-sector include:
- Lack of adequate consultation on water and sewer infrastructure identification, planning and design resulting in incomplete or duplication of projects due to lack of synergy in national public water works and county public water works.
- Weak linkage between the National water master plans and county integrated development plans and county water master plans.
- Weak integration of technical, economic, institutional, legal and safeguards functions during the planning of water and waste water infrastructure.
Institutional Arrangement for Water Infrastructure Planning
Role of Ministry in Water Investment Planning
- Development, implementation and reporting on water infrastructure planning policy
- Preparation of the national water master plan.
- Source, consolidate quality data and information for use in the planning of water projects in Kenya.
- Identification of bankable water projects i.e. for supply, sewer and non-sewer sanitation.
- Preparation of bankable ready national water projects i.e. for supply, sewer and non-sewer sanitation including last mile connections in liaison with counties and reflected in the Water Sector Investment Plan.
- Oversight and coordination of water sector investment planning
- Quality assurance and control of water infrastructure investment planning for national and county public water works.
- Recommend financing instruments for bankable water projects.
- Capacity building and technical assistance to county governments on planning and preparation of bankable county water works
Role of County Governments in Water Investment Planning
County Governments are responsible for integrated planning for county water projects for the fulfilment of human right to water and reasonable standards of sanitation. County level planning is reflected through County Integrated Development Plans (CIDPs) that are anchored on the County Water Master Plans. County Water Master Plans are linked to the National Water Master Plan for the purposes of synergy, financing collaboration to ensure last mile connections for water and sewer services.
Links to water sector institutions and entities with key roles in water infrastructure planning
- Ministry of Water and Sanitation
- Water Resources Authority
- Water Services Regulatory Board
- National Water Harvesting and Storage Authority
Water Works Development Agencies:
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