President Mwai Kibaki displays the new Kenyan constitution to the nation after he promulgated and signed it into law at a public function at Uhuru Park, Nairobi
Governors at the seventh Devolution Conference in Makueni county.
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Scaling up early childhood development and education in a devolved setting
Early childhood development and education (ECDE) is devolved in Kenya, which means that each of Kenya’s 47 counties budgets for and implements ECDE independently.



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The Ministry is responsible for supporting County Governments through policy formulation, capacity support, and intergovernmental relations. It also manages the shared function of disaster risk management between the National and County governments

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The counties of Kenya are geographical units envisioned by the 2010 Constitution of Kenya as the units of devolved government. The powers are provided in Articles 191 and 192, and in the fourth schedule of the Constitution of Kenya and the County Governments Act of 2012.

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Agriculture remains the backbone of Kenya’s economy accounting for about 24 percent of GDP and 74 Percent of employment whose function has been devolved by the constitution. The sector’s main agenda is to address food security and employment creation.

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The Big 4 Agenda

The Big 4 Agenda is the president’s plan set to achieve within his presidential reign. It comprised Food Security, Affordable Housing, Manufacturing, and Universal Healthcare—The Big 4 Agenda aim at making the Kenyan’s life quality and secure.

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Education involves methods of passing knowledge from one person to another through teaching. This can happen in either learning institutions, online, or in a traditional setting. In Kenya, education is a human right for everyone under the age of eighteen.

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The Constitution of Kenya 2010 declared water supply and sanitation services a basic right and assigned the responsibility and service provision to the 47 Counties. Key legislation, including the County Government Act of 2012 and the Urban Areas and Cities Act of 2011,

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