The Directorate was established in the year 2008 as a result of Ministerial re-organization that was sanctioned by the DPM. It came about as a result of the split of the larger department of Human Resource Management and Employment.
The Directorate has two divisions, namely Human Resource Planning and Human Resource Development divisions. These two divisions have their origins in the 1980’s based on recommendations from various national and international foras advocating for the establishment of bodies at national level to take charge of manpower planning and development. One such fora is the Lagos Plan of Action which directly called for the establishment of such a body. Locally, the government had set up various commissions on Education and manpower development and the issue of relevance of training was beginning to dominate human resource discourse in the country. Both the Gachathi Commission (1976) and the Mackay Commission (1981) gave strong recommendations on the need to harmonize training offered at various levels of schooling and the demands of the labour market.
The ministry of labor through the directorate of National Human Resource planning and development (DNHRPD) is mandated to collect and analyze data on manpower supply and demand from local institutions and establishments. The manpower supply gives data on skills emerging from local institutions whereas the demand side gives information relating to establishments in the labor market. The two sides of supply and demand interact hence enabling planners obtain a manpower balance in the economy.
Vision of the Directorate
“A World Class Centre for Labour Market Information”.Mission
To provide up to date Labour Market Information to inform on development of human resource development policies and strategies”.Mandate
Undertaking research to develop a national human resource data base, develop guidelines on skills development and maintain a national skills inventory.
Core Values
Professional Integrity
Commitment to results
Participants approach
Customer orientation
Commitment to team work
Commitment to the welfare of the employee
Core Functions
Maintenance and dissemination /provision of up to-date labour market information
Development and dissemination of guidelines for skills development
Development and maintenance of National skills inventory
Formulation of National human resource planning ,development and utilization policies
Services rendered/delivered | Customer requirements | User charge | Timings | |
Provide labour market information on supply and demand of critical skills | Up to date information on out turn and demand of skills | Nil | Continuously | |
Determining existing skills gaps in the various sectors of the economy | Critical skills in short supply | Nil | Periodically | |
Determining relevance and currency of training programmes offered in training institutions | Labour market skill requirement | Nil | Periodically |
Public services offered
Provision of Labour market information (
Major projects currently being undertaken by the department
The directorate of human resource Planning and Development driven by it mission of being a lead centre in labour market information has been undertaking the following projects:
Operationalisation of the labour market information system (LMIS)
Job opportunity index.
Youth employment survey.
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