Institutions Within The State Department For Co-Operatives

The following semi-autonomous agencies (SAGA’s) are within the state department for co-operatives:

  • New Kenya Co-operatives Creameries (New KCC)

The New Kenya Co-operative Creameries (New KCC) Ltd was incorporated as a limited company with 100 percent Government share-holding on 19th November 2004, thus effectively converting its status to a State Corporation.

  • Sacco Societies Regulatory Authority (SASRA)

SASRA enforces Sacco Societies Act of 2008. It regulates deposit taking is also expected to regulate selected non deposit taking SACCOs after approval of regulations for non-deposit taking Saccos.

  • New Kenya Planters Co-operative Union Ltd (KPCU)

The New Kenya Planters Co-operative Union Ltd was formed following the cancellation of the registration of the former KPCU and subsequent liquidation. The Mandate of the former KPCU was to mill and market coffee on behalf of its members (Co-operative societies and estates). It also used to provide farm inputs to farmers on credit at affordable rates. The New KPCU will take over the functions of the former KPCU as well as administer the Coffee Cherry Advance Revolving Fund.

  • Co-operative Tribunal

This agency is mandated to listen and settle disputes emanating and affecting the Co-operative Sector in Kenya. This tribunal operates under Co-operative Societies Act Cap 490 and was transferred to the Judiciary as a subordinate court.

  • Ethics Commission for Co-operative Societies (ECCOS)

This is the watchdog on Ethics and Integrity of the officers in the Co-operative Movement in Kenya. This Commission regulates and manages the governance facets of the Co-operative movement in Kenya. The mandate of this Commission is drawn from Public Officers and Ethics Act of 2003 and Regulations of 2015. In 2019, the State Department entered into an MoU with EACC to collaborate in training, capacity building, and the enforcement of governance. In essence, the MoU is intended to achieve the objective of combating and preventing corruption in co-operatives.

At the moment, the Commissioners have been appointed and are in the process of being gazetted.

Last Update: November 9, 2021
November 9, 2021 275 adminCo-operatives
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