Sewer & Non-Sewer Sanitation Services

The Sewer and Non-sewer sanitation services sub-sector deals with policy formulation, regulation, development of sewer public infrastructure and frontline provision of sewer services and technologies non-sewer sanitation services.  It focusses on provision of reasonable standards of sanitation in line with Constitution.  The regulation of sewer and non-sewer sanitation services puts in place and ensures compliance on set regulations and standards to promote consumer protection by all cadres of water service providers and non-sewer sanitation service providers concerned.   This sub-sector aims at promotion of hygienic conditions and healthy environments by planning, financing and developing infrastructure for proper sludge management and wastewater disposal.

Institutional Arrangement for Sewer and Non-Sewer Sanitation Services

The Ministry of Water and Sanitation develops sewer and non-sewer sanitation services  policy, is in charge of sewer and non-sewer sanitation services  sub-sector coordination, oversight and technical quality assurance sewer and non-sewer sanitation investments development, sourcing of sewer and non-sewer sanitation infrastructure financing and availability of quality sewer and non-sewer sanitation services sub-sector data and information.  Sewer and non-sewer sanitation investments oversight entails the following :

  • Provision of Sewer and non-sewer sanitation infrastructure projects development project management operational policy and capacity building support
  • Sewer and non-sewer sanitation infrastructure projects development intra-sector, cross-sector and inter-governmental coordination support
  • Sewer and non-sewer sanitation infrastructure projects development teams technical backstopping support
  • Sewer and non-sewer sanitation infrastructure projects development technical and operational quality assurance and control
  • Sewer and non-sewer sanitation infrastructure projects development strategic public communication
  • Milestones tracking for critical sewer and non-sewer sanitation infrastructure projects development

In the transition period, the Ministry is presently working  with WSBs and respective county governments in the implementation of sewerage works in 28 towns in Kenya.

County Governments  are in charge of development of county public sewer and non-sewer works and the provision of sanitation services in the counties as per Schedule 4 of the Constitution. As owners of County Water Service Providers, they facilitate good governance, efficient and their effective operations. The County Executives for Water service support the  application of sewer and non-sewer sanitation service regulations and standards set by Wasreb in the counties as per the Water Act.

Water Services Regulatory Board is in charge of regulation and compliance, setting of water service tariffs for the purposes of consumer protection and in line with Water Act.

Water Sector Trust Fund – financing of water service projects including public sewer and non-sewer sanitation projects focusing on the underserved,  financing of water research and financing of sustainable water catchment protection initiatives by public benefit organizations such as Water Resources User Association (WRUAs) and in line with the Water Act.

Water Service Boards or their successors Water Works Development Agencies – Are in charge of detailed project planning and development of national public sewer and non-sewer works infrastructure.

Water Services Providers (WSPs) – provide sewerage services and maintenance of related service infrastructures.  Small Scale Sanitation operators are to also operate within set regulatory framework for public sewer and non-sewer services.

Water Services Institutional Status Linkages

The Sewer and Non-sewer sanitation services sub-sector deals with policy formulation, regulation, development of sewer public infrastructure and frontline provision of sewer services and technologies non-sewer sanitation services.  It focusses on provision of reasonable standards of sanitation in line with Constitution.  The regulation of sewer and non-sewer sanitation services puts in place and ensures compliance on set regulations and standards to promote consumer protection by all cadres of water service providers and non-sewer sanitation service providers concerned.   This sub-sector aims at promotion of hygienic conditions and healthy environments by planning, financing and developing infrastructure for proper sludge management and wastewater disposal.

Sewer and Non-sewer sanitation service regulations and standards:
National public Sewer and non-sewer sanitation status, plans and projects:
Water sector financing for the underserved in sewer/non-sewer sanitation:
WSP performance reports:


Last Update: November 11, 2021
November 11, 2021 269 adminSanitation
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