Projects and Programmes


The National Water Conservation and Pipeline Corporation (NWCPC) wishes to implement a dam project to supply water to Marsabit Town, Marsabit District, Eastern Province, Kenya. This project will comprise construction of the following major works:

An embankment of 52m height on Buji River and located within Mount Marsabit forest reserve, Scour and Intake works, Diversion Culvert,
Raw Water Pumping Station,
Water Treatment Plant,
Treated Water Pumping and Booster Stations,
Treated Water Rising Main, 250mm diameter and about 10km long Storage Facilities of capacity about 3,000m3.

The proposed Badasa Dam is meant to supply water to Marsabit Town. Marsabit Town is located in the Northern region of Kenya, about 500km North of Nairobi City. It is the main market Centre and the district headquarters. Badasa dam site is located about 9km south-east of Marsabit Town.

The existing water supply for Marsabit Town is from Bakuli Springs, which was constructed in 1970 (Bakuli I) and augmented in 1995 (Bakuli II). The present water production capacity ranges between 800m3/day during rainy season to 300m3/day during dry season against present water demand of 2,750m3/day for a population of 30,050. The ultimate water demand is 7,350m3/day at year 2032 to serve a projected population of 81,135.

Water from the proposed Badasa Dam reservoir will be pumped to the proposed treatment works against a static head of 50m and through an intake pipe of250mm diameter and 300m long. From the clear water tank at the treatment works, water will be pumped against a static head of 430m with a booster station in between. Total length of clear water rising main is 9.7km. Additional storage of 3,060m3 will be required to augment the existing storage of 565m3. Existing distribution network will be expanded in another phase of the project.

NWCPC has appointed a consultant, M/s Runji & Partners, Consulting Engineers and Planners Ltd, to assist it in the Review of the previous designs by M/s Wanjohi Consulting Engineers, and in Supervision of the Works.


Maruba Dam, the source of water for Machakos Water Supply is located across River Maruba in Central Division of Machakos district, Machakos Town Constituency. The dam supplies water to parts of Machakos town and its environs.

Machakos Town has an approximate population of 210,000 persons and its present water demand is 8,000m3/day.

Maruba Dam is a 17 m high dam. It was constructed in the 1950s as a source of water for Machakos Town. Its yield then was 4,000m3/day; however, the storage capacity of the dam has reduced over the years due to siltation, which has reduced the storage capacity of the dam to a yield of about 2,000 m3/day.
Apart from Maruba dam, there are two other sources of water for Machakos Town namely the Nol Turesh Pipeline and the Iveti boreholes.
The Nol-Turesh pipeline that draws water from Nol Turesh springs in Mount Kilimanjaro in Loitokitok was constructed in the 1990


Project Description
Chemususu dam is located on the Chemususu River, a tributary of the Tigiri River, some 80kms North-West of Nakuru Town and approximately 15kms West of Eldama-Ravine Town. The proposed dam is intended to improve storage by storing approximately 10.94 Million M3 and enhance uninterrupted water supply of about 35,000 M3/day to Nakuru Town and parts of Baringo and Koibatek District including Eldama-Ravine Town. The project components obtained from Seureca Consulting Engineers design documents comprise the following :-


Construction Of Umaa Dam Project
Construction of Umaa Dam in Kitui District commenced in January 2009. This is the cumulation of a design process that was initially carried out by the then Ministry of Water Development in 1992. To date this project has not been implemented. During the restructuring of the water sector, the responsibility for the construction of the dam was brought directly under the NWCPC. However, there had been a time lapse between original design stage and current implementation stage of over 15 years( 1992 to date).There was therefore a need to review that design with an aim to establish if the design is still valid and improve areas that need refining. The review was completed in 2008 allowing the process to go to the tendering stage.

The dam is being constructed with funding from the Government of Kenya- Ministry of Water and Irrigation. NWCPC will be responsible for the construction supervision. Upon completion, the assets will be transferred to TANATHI Water Service Board in line with the provisions of the current Water Act.

Umaa dam site is located on the Nzeu River, immediately downstream of the confluence of Mukoleyka and Muvati rivers. It is located about 7 km northeast of Kitui town Centre in Kitui District, Eastern Province Kenya. Kitui town is located some 200kms to the East of Nairobi city The current population served by the Kitui Water supply is circa 25,000 people. Currently, Kitui town.

Last Update: November 11, 2021
November 11, 2021 292 adminWater
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