The Directorate’s mandate:
The Directorate is responsible for providing leadership and coordination of national and sectoral development planning, macroeconomic policy formulation and dissemination to the public. It is also charged with coordinating and tracking implementation of bilateral, regional and international Economic Partnerships.
The functions of the Directorate are to:
- Coordinate the development, review, and dissemination of national development plans, policies, sessional papers, strategies and programmes;
- Co-convene the Macro Working Group and various sectors in the annual Medium-Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF) budget preparation process;
- Spearhead preparation and dissemination of Status of the Economy Reports;
- Undertake research, macroeconomic modeling and forecasting;
- Coordinate and track implementation of bilateral, regional, and multilateral international Economic Partnerships;
- Track implementation of the Africa Agenda 2063;
- Prepare national position papers on negotiations with bilateral and multilateral development partners; and
- Monitor regional trade and investment trends.
Last Update: November 15, 2021
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