Monitoring and Evaluation


The Monitoring and Evaluation Directorate (MED) is functionally responsible for Monitoring and Evaluation of Economic Trends in the Country. The Directorate undertakes this function through coordinating implementation of the National Integrated Monitoring and Evaluation System (NIMES) at the National level. Further, the Directorate provide technical support towards implementation of the County Integrated Monitoring and Evaluation System (CIMES) at the County level.


The specific functions of the Directorate are to:

  • Coordinate the development and review of performance indicators for the Medium-Term Plans for Kenya Vision 2030 and other emerging National Development agenda;
  • Track, report, and disseminate implementation progress of the Kenya Vision 2030 and other emerging National Development agenda;
  • Develop capacity on Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) for both National and County governments;
  • Coordinate implementation and review of National Integrated Monitoring and Evaluation System (NIMES);
  • Develop, review and implement National M&E Policy framework, guidelines, standards and tools;
  • Develop and maintain an electronic National Integrated Monitoring and Evaluation System (e-NIMES);
  • Coordinate development and implementation of the National Evaluation Plan (NEP);
  • Coordinate Public Expenditure Tracking Surveys (PETS);
  • Establish partnerships and collaborations for strengthening M&E capacities in the public sector;
  • Provide technical support to counties to establish and implement County Integrated Monitoring and Evaluation Systems (CIMES);
  • Develop and review Results Based M&E curriculum for universities, training and research institutions; and
  • Co-convene various sectors in the annual budget preparation process in the Medium-Term Expenditure framework (MTEF).

The Directorate comprises of two (2) Divisions namely:

1. Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Division

Functions of the division include:-

  • Development of performance indicators for the Medium Term Plans for Kenya Vision 2030 Sectors;
  • Dissemination and Advocacy for M&E and M&E findings to all stakeholders.
  • Coordinating the Monitoring and Evaluation functions across all sectors;
  • Building adequate Monitoring and Evaluation capacity for all sectors;
  • Conducting independent impact assessment and evaluations of Policies, Programmes and Projects;
  • Promotion of a Monitoring and Evaluation Culture within the public service;
  • Oversee implementation of the National M&E Policy framework, Guidelines, Standards and other tools to promote sound M&E practices;
  • Administration and Management of the e-NIMES;
  • Coordination of the development and implementation of the National Evaluation Plan (NEP);
  • Preparing an annual research plan, identifying research priorities based on national situation and information needs of government, civil society; and
  • Conducting Public Expenditure Tracking Surveys (PETS).

2. Capacity Development and Policy Coordination Division

Functions of the division include: –

  • Building adequate Monitoring and Evaluation capacity for all sectors;
  • Tracking and reporting on progress of implementation of the Kenya vision 2030 sectors;
  • Preparation of respective sectors M&E reports including Annual Progress Report (APRs) of the Medium-Term Plans, Public Expenditure Reviews (PERs) and Comprehensive Public Expenditure Reviews (CPERs);
  • Preparation of quarterly and annual consolidated project monitoring reports to inform policy and evidence-based decision making;
  • Overseeing implementation of the National M&E Policy framework, Guidelines, Standards and other tools to promote sound M&E practices in all sectors;
  • Coordinating the review and implementation of National Integrated Monitoring and Evaluation System (NIMES);
  • Facilitating capacity development in terms of human and enabling infrastructure in issues of M & E at central and devolved levels. Procure equipment such as computers, vehicles, etc.;
  • Development and maintenance of a framework for monitoring and reporting on non-financial performance of projects;
  • Establishing partnerships and collaborations for strengthening M&E capacities in the public sector;
  • Dissemination and advocacy for M&E and M&E findings to all stakeholders.
  • Providing M&E technical support to County Governments to establish and implement County Integrated Monitoring and Evaluation Systems; and
  • Supporting the development of Result Based M&E curriculum for universities, training and research institutions.

At County levels the Directorate will liaise with Counties on:

  • Capacity Building of counties on M&E
  • Operationalization of e-CIMES at the county level
  • Operationalization of CIMES
  • Support counties in development of County M&E policies and CIDP indicator handbooks
  • County Monitoring and Evaluation Committees and other Sub-County M&E Committees in order to produce the quarterly and annual M&E progress reports.

For more information visit the Monitoring and Evaluation Directorate website

Last Update: November 15, 2021
November 15, 2021 411 adminDirectorates
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